Mon, 06 May 2024 Gospel News

My 'Go High' song was never meant for politics - Philipa Baafi

My 'Go High' song was never meant for politics - Philipa Baafi

Veteran gospel musician Philipa Baafi shed light on the origins and usage of her iconic song "Go High" by the New Patriotic Party (NPP) during their 2008 campaign.

Hosted by Taller Dee, Baafi, in a recent revelation on No.1 FM's Gospel Showbiz program, emphasized that her creation of the song in 2007 was devoid of any politics, insisting she had no initial intentions for its political utilization.

Recalling the inception of "Go High," Baafi recounted its widespread popularity preceding its adoption by the NPP, notably mentioning its earlier embrace by Kotoko football club and even the national Black Stars team. Drawing parallels to radio advertisements, she likened the NPP's use of her song to a commercial arrangement, stressing the importance of adhering to copyright laws in such cases.

Addressing the controversy surrounding her performance for the NPP during their bid for power, Baafi reaffirmed her stance as a proud Ghanaian, asserting her right to support any political party without wrongdoing. With unwavering conviction, she affirmed the NPP's compliance with necessary protocols in utilizing her song, emphasizing the significance of respecting copyright laws.

In a candid admission, Baafi disclosed that the utilization of "Go High" by the NPP proved lucrative for her, attributing it to the providence of God and her entitlement to earn a living from her artistic endeavors. Her demeanor radiated positivity as she expressed gratitude for the opportunities presented through her music, embracing them as blessings bestowed upon her.

Amidst the backdrop of the NPP's fervent campaign for another term led by Mr. Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, Baafi's clarification serves as a nuanced reflection on the intersection of artistry, politics, and legalities within the Ghanaian landscape. As the nation gears up for another electoral cycle, her insights offer valuable perspectives on the ethical and legal considerations surrounding the use of creative works in political contexts.

Attractive Mustapha Nii Okai Inusah
Attractive Mustapha Nii Okai Inusah

Journalist and a Blogger Page: MustaphaAttractive
