Thu, 27 Apr 2017 Author

How to Get the Best Spray Tan Experience

By Jodie Czeladka

If you are interested in getting a spray tan, you will find that there are many salons offering this type of service. However, if you want the best possible experience, there are a few things to look for when you are choosing your salon and tanning technician.

A Great Product:
Just like any product, there is a wide spectrum of tanning products. These range from cheap solutions that create that unique orange glow through to high quality products that are organic and result in a natural looking tan. If you want the best spray tan, you need to ensure that your tanning services are using a good quality product. Don’t be afraid to ask questions about the tanning solution, where key ingredients were sourced and how it was produced. If the salon cannot provide answers, it is a sign that they are not completely confident about its quality.

Expert Advice:
The best spray tan is not simply a one size fits all solution. The tanning solution needs to be tailored to suit your skin tone and colouring. This means that you need a technician who has the expertise and experience to provide you with the best tanning services . Your technician should be able to recommend aftercare and products that can enhance your tan, for a longer lasting look.

Satisfied Client Recommendations:
One of the best ways to find any service provider is from a recommendation from a family member or friend. If you know someone who has a fantastic tan all year round, ask them if they can recommend a tanning service. These days, with almost everyone being aware of the dangers of sun exposure, there is no stigma to getting a spray tan. So, you may find that your friend is more than willing to provide a glowing recommendation.

If you are not fortunate enough to know someone who regularly gets a great tan, you can still source recommendations from satisfied clients. When you are making your initial enquiries, keep an ear out for any clients making comments or complaints. Another good indicator is if the people leaving the salon look like they have a natural tan. If you see people leaving who look like a strange race of orange aliens, you know this isn’t the place for you. Most reputable salons are usually very happy to promote their social media and websites, so a little internet research can provide a great insight into their customer satisfaction.

If you want to get the best spray tan, you should speak to us. We offer tanning services throughout Perth including Mandurah. Tanning technicians are on hand to address any concerns or queries you may have. We aim to provide the best tanning services, so you can enjoy a long lasting, natural looking tan.

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