
Your assurance of credible registration is unconvincing, worthless — NDC Volta Regional Youth Organizer to EC

By Japhet Festus Gbede || Contributor
NDC Your assurance of credible registration is unconvincing, worthless — NDC Volta Regional Youth Organizer to EC

Amidst heavy downpours on Thursday, Mr. Mathias Alagbo, popularly known as Kabila and the current Volta Regional Youth Organizer of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), began a tour of the limited voter registration centers in the Volta Region.

His goal was to observe the registration process and engage with residents, first-time voters, and party activists.

Mr. Alagbo initiated this move to gather first-hand information from the ground. He emphasized that former President John Dramani Mahama and the NDC possess the character, track record, capacity, and competence needed to rescue Ghanaians from the economic challenges imposed by Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia's Economic Management Team. He criticized Dr. Bawumia, accusing him of sowing discord and asserting that he does not deserve a single vote from Ghanaians. This sentiment was expressed during an address to party sympathizers at the Akatsi South EC premises.

During his tour, Mr. Alagbo visited registration centers in the South Tongu, Akatsi South, and Agortime Ziope constituencies. He engaged with Electoral Commission officers and first-time voters, closely observing the registration process.

He assured party activists of the NDC's readiness to bolster their campaign efforts in the constituencies ahead of the 2024 elections. In addition to providing motorbikes, he urged branch executives to mobilize eligible voters for registration.

Mr. Alagbo also called on Electoral Commission officials to conduct the registration process efficiently and stressed the importance of citizen engagement, the promotion of democratic values, and the mobilization of support for the NDC in preparation for the 2024 elections.

Mr. Johnson Samlafo, a deputy youth organizer of the Volta Regional Youth Wing, encouraged the youth to participate in the exercise without fear or intimidation. He asserted that their team is prepared to combat any irregularities, referring to the problems faced in other regions.

Mr. Samlafo, who monitored the exercise at the Akatsi South registration center on Wednesday, warned that the NDC should treat the voter registration exercise with the utmost seriousness, likening it to the importance of a World Cup.

The exercise, which began on Tuesday, May 7th, and is scheduled to conclude on May 27th, 2024, at the district offices of the Electoral Commission nationwide, has been criticized by Mr. Samlafo for its low publicity. He described it as a potential hub of fraud and flaws aimed at disenfranchising eligible Ghanaians in the NDC stronghold.
