Wed, 01 Apr 2020 Irene's Workplace

Job Hunting During The Time Of Corona?

...Employers Are Still Hiring!
By Irene Gloria Addison
Job Hunting During The Time Of Corona?

The seems to be an understandable confusing or lack of clarity as to what is happening in the job market right now.

As a recruiter, allow me to tell you/ assure you that:

  • #Employers are #hiring!
  • #Candidate #prescreening is going on

The Only difference is that we do not know when we can schedule again all needed physical final interviews -especially for senior or sales roles.

So do not stop your #jobhunting effort!!!


1. Show understanding, compassion and empathy

For all of us business owners of any size, this is something new and 'confusing'.

We are still trying to figure out what it means for business, even in Ghana

Show patience when you communicate with Recruiters, HR or Hiring Managers and stop asking for constant updates or demand immediate response.

We don't know yet when we can schedule interviews! For sure, not for the next 2-3 weeks!


2. Update your CV - include remote-work experience/ skills

I am afraid that if you cannot show remote-work experience, slowly you will become irrelevant in the job market. Communicate that clearly in both your CV and your Cover Email please.


3. Send Open Solicitations as long as they are 'accompanied' by amazing Cover Emails (= the Cover Letter is typed as an email)


4. Network

This is an ideal time, since almost everybody is at home and they do spend more time on LinkedIn.

Connect with people - always use a 'brief but sweet' introduction note (use Human and not textbook English)

Talk to them too (do not send just a simple 'hi' - use full sentences explaining why are you communicating/ approaching someone)

4a. Do virtual coffee/tea meetings- explore new ways to network while social distancing

4b. SetUp informational interviews

(if you do not know what it is, google it please - do not ignore it)


5. Boost your professional knowledge

Use the 'gift of time' that we have and attend a relevant #MOOC or a few. Search for them at Edx, or Coursera, or even Microsoft, Google, etc..

(MOOC=Massive Online Open Course)


Remember that nowadays Hiring in OnDemand -be HiringReady


Thank you and good luck



Owner of HIREghana
