
Let Me Not Say

Let me not say I have been cursed to be here,
Where children born cry at the sight of light.
Bans are emptied at the sight of hunger.
Wells dry at the hint of thirst,
And Joy escapes at the smell of agony.

Have we all not been borne to be here
To play together, so we drive away melancholy.
To sleep together, so we give birth to laughter.
To eat together, so we lock up hunger.

Let me not say I have been cursed to be here
Where Messiahs appear, but the people languish.
Medics tremble at the sight of convulsion.
Priests abandon their shrines, at the frankness of confessions.
Clairvoyances tell the truth, at the proclamation of appellations.

Have we all not been borne to be here
To serve together, so we can be served.
To worship together, so we can chain pestilence.
To divine together, so we can own tomorrow.

Let me not say I have been cursed to be here
Where Nature's foliage provides furnace.
The earth cracks at the presence of the sun.
Rivers swallow the excreta of the world
And the earth changes its colour, at the sight of visitors.

Have we all not been borne to be here
To plough together, so eat of God's prepared dishes.
To own together, so we share the riches.
To breathe together, so we escape death.

Let me not say I have been cursed to be here
Where dreams are made extinct at birth.
Success is stolen at the point of harvest.
Tradition succumbs at the ceremony of foreign marriage.
And, morality bids good bye at the smell of penury.

Have we all not been borne to be here
To aspire together, so we build lives.
To comfort together, so we own societies.
To explore together, so we discover routes.

Let me not say I have been cursed to be here.

Author: Silas Doe

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