
'kokromoti' Power

Go and cast your vote
It is your true power
Oh, this bonafide sham?
Our vote is 'their' power

Citizens have no power
Stop beguiling the teens
It's the NCCE's saying, not mine.
For decades, they've preached this message.

When the papal seat is finally won
The President takes a dogmatic stance
The apparatchiks lay fresh big eggs 
And the rights of citizens go to asylum

For this reason, my voting apathy.
Respected, I repeat, I'm not voting.
Once you fail to exercise your franchise,
we'll then choose a ruler for you, think!

There are two totems on the paper
The umbrella; it provides protection. 
The elephant; it signifies hard work. 
What else is left to convince you?

I know our tomorrow is a dead leaf
The umbrella and elephant are both deaf
Their gullies of corruption are awful
The economy isn't looking any beautiful 

Dear sons, don't pay attention to him.
Respected, the value is still the same.
Can you change the channel from this advert?
Little children want to watch Scooby Doo.

Poem by yours only,
✍️ Abdul Rahman Odoi
@Big Odoi_Poems
All rights reserved.©️2020

Author: Abdul Rahman Odoi

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