
Hurtful Words And Its Consequences On The Victims

Hurtful words
It brings bad memories more than ever
Parents, in what way are you talking to your children at home?

Do you curse them whenever they make the slightest mistake or correct them with love?

Mum tell us everyday, no matter what always correct with love

Oh friends, how do you treat yourselves whenever you are annoyed with one another?

Do you say bad things that lingers in the mind of the one you said them to?

Remember, words are very powerful as they can heal or cause scars

Words can mar or make someone;
Words can uplift or cause downfall
Teachers, what steps do you take in helping that dullard student in your class?

Do you constantly remind him or her of never being able to make it in life?

What if you counsel the student and let him or her know the grades can change drastically if he or she works hard

Dear employers, in what way do you treat the ones under you?

What words do you say to them everyday whenever they make mistakes?

Dear leaders, how do you talk to your followers?
Do you speak in an humble way or in an arrogant manner?

Wealthy ones, what words do you say to the beggers that ask for your assistance?

Have you ever wonder if people are hurting due to your words to them?

Do you speak to people in the way you would like to be addressed as well?

Remember you can save a soul by saying the right words

Speak gentle words, not hurtful ones
Because to get over hurtful words takes a longer time than you expected

As it keeps replaying itself in the mind of the ones you lash out with words

Save a soul today by saying kind words to them

Author: Abdulkareem Taoheedah Kehinde

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