
Nyika Ine Vanhu Vakawanda (a Country With Most People)

Chokwadi tingati here makawanda, kana paine vanoti vakafamba imi mese munohwanda
Tinagati here makawanda, kana paine vanoti vakataura nyangwe chakaipa hapana anoramba
Chokwadi munganzi here makawanda kana paine vanokudyirai mugove wezvese zvamakashanda
Aiwa, kana vazhinji munyika vari zvimbwasungata zvevamwe, hatingamboti makawanda

Truth be told, can we say you are many, if you all hide when they take a walk?
Shall we say you are many, if you all keep quite when nonsense they talk?
Can it be said you are many, if all the fruits of your hard work they take?
Never shall we say you are many, if unto the few, most of you being puppets is your tag!

Nyangwe vari vashoma, nyika inonzi ine vanhu vakawanda kana pamwechete vaine chavanovaka
Asi tinoti ine vanhu vashoma, kana nyika izere vanotambudzana kusvika pakuparadza zvakavakwa
Nyika inonzi ine vanhu vakawanda, kana ivo vachibatana pakuita zvinhu zvakanaka
Asi tinoti ine vanhu vashoma, kana iine zviuru ne zviuru zvinotadzisa vamwe kugara zvakanaka

Even if they may be few, a country has the most people, if together, something they build
But it has less people, if most of them always fight until they destroy what is built
A nation has the most people, if together they come to make something of beauty
But we say it has less people, if a good life, much of them fails others to build

Kana vanhu vazhinji munyika vachigara vari mimvuri yevamwe, ivavo tinovatora se sevasipo
Iko kufambidzana ne vanhu vasipo muhupenyu hwavo pachavo, kunotosvora maziso se sipo
Nokuti kwese kwamaenda vanoswero kudzimaidzai, mukashaya chabuda kunge musina kana zvipo
Tinoti nyika ine vanhu vakawanda, nyangwe iine vashoma, kana mumwe nemumwe pachake aripo

If most people are always a shadow of others, we thus do consider them as nought
When you hang out with those who are nought, like soap in your eyes, they make you see not
Where-ever you go, they always confuse you into nothingness, as if, blessed you are not
So, we say, a nation has the most people, if each of them is himself in his own being

Tinoti ine vanhu vakawanda, nyika yekuti uyo ne uyo ndiye hake pachake nyangwe paanofamba
Nyangwe vari zana revanhu, vakatowanda kudarika zviuru zvevane pfungwa dzakapambwa
Tinoti ine vanhu vakawanda nyika kana mumwe nemumwe wavo ari iye hake zvake pachake
Asi vanenge vari vashoma muuzhinji hwavo kana uyo ne uyo asimo muhupenyu hwake pachake

We say, a country has the most people, if each one of them is his own person
Even if they may be hundreds, they are even more than the brainwashed thousands
We thus say, a nation has the most people, if each of them is independently his own person
But it has less people, if in their multitudes, each of them lacks himself in his actions

Hatingamboti nyika ine vanhu vakawanda, kana huzhinji hwavo husina zvahunoshanda
Kuti tiverengedze uyo ne uyo vanehuvepo hwakamedzwa nevamwe, kwatiri zvaramba
Zviri nani kufamba zvishoma zvishoma sa kamba asi iwe uchienda kwako kwawakananga
Pane kuchimbidza kufambidzana ne uyo akakupamba pfungwa asi iye musango achinokukanda

We can never say a nation has many people, if the multitudes is just a worthless number
We can never count him and her, whose real life is just a shadow of another
Like a tortoise, slowly pursue the journey of your life from your own chosen angle
That to haste into the company of those who brainwashes and later dumps you into the jungle

Haupo muhupenyu hwako pachako, kana uchingoraramira vamwe vausingatozive kwavakananga
Hatingambokuverenga paruzhinji rwevanhu, kana kuva iwe pachako muhupenyu hwako zvichiramba
Ukawana chako chaunoita chinonzi ichi ndechake, hazvireve kuti mavakuita mazvake mazvake
Asi zvinoreva kuti newewo uri munhu anoverengwawo panevamwe munyika ine vanhu vakawanda

You are never there in your own life, if you always try to live for others in pursuit of their own lives
We can never count you in the multitudes, if you cannot be yourself in pursuit of your own life
When you come to do something unique for yourself, it does not mean you are selfish
But it simply means, in the multitudes, to be counted among others, you deserve it

©Brian Kazungu, 06 November 2019

Author: Brian Kazungu

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