
To Base Love On That Alone, Wisdom Said No

There is a beautiful girl that I saw
And for to get her, my mind said go
I said to myself be quick and don't be slow
But to base love on beauty alone, Wisdom Said No

It says don't base love on looks alone
For if she lacks virtue and prudence, she will leave you alone
Since her heart and mind would not have matured and grown
And by that, pain, shame and ridicule in your heart will be sown

In my encounter with her, her eloquence tickled my emotions
Her fine words seemed to promise me the essence of existence
And so I told myself to do whatever it takes to let her know
That hand in hand, in love, I wanted us to stroll

But to base love on mere words and voice alone, Wisdom Said No
It says there are virtues that must be in her to be shown
And warns that if she lacks good manners, respect and charity
Tattered and confused, she will leave your heart broken and torn

When I saw this beautiful lady, with love, my heart felt like melting
But wisdom made me to ask if her personality was worthy emulating
It made me to check if her hands can work and if her heart is caring
For those it says are the virtues of a woman worthy getting

Surely, she looked so fine and she appeared so bright with a fair shine
Beauty, eloquence and fair speeches described her
With all these, I saw my heart giving her a loving stare
But to base love on beauty, a sweet voice and fair speeches alone, Wisdom Said No

©Brian Kazungu, 2017

Author: Brian Kazungu

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