
When Hope Itself Is About To Surrender

We have seen people look at us like we are their last hope
And yet with our own lives it seems like we can't cope
We know it's so sad to fail to be the pillar of one's hope
But truth be told, even our own dreams, it seems like we are about to drop

The suffering of the masses, red like flames, is burning non stop
In our own land, they have made it hard for us to create or even find a job
It's so sad, when those who seem to be making it around here is only the mob
Since to everyone else, the answer to everything good is just a big NOPE

Goodness around here has become so freezing cold
Human suffering is so real like have never been told
And we strongly doubt if this is the will of God
Since we were told, in his eyes, we are precious like gold

The youths, the true hope of the nation, is losing the power to hold on
Since, their life and labour, like damaged goods is cheaply being sold
And those who can't stand that, down the cliff they are being rolled
Or else they are made to remain poor and suffer as they grow old

Imagine, a land where the young, fit and strong are fleeing abroad
Because at home, their gifts, talents, wishes and dreams are being made to rot
And by those who are supposed to protect them, they are being fought
There can't be progress here, because every day, people are just moving back and forth
It becomes so sad, when those who must be the beacon of hope are about to surrender
It's just so bad, when life from every angle simply becomes horrendous
While people's efforts, patience and understanding has been very tremendous
And so, now, we just wonder, if hope itself surrenders, what then shall become of us?
©Brian Kazungu, 06 November 2019

Author: Brian Kazungu

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