
The Evil Kins

Everyone else may think they are just your harmless next of kins
But they can do you more harm than your eye ever sees
Their hearts and minds are full of bad stuff like garbage bins
When you stumble and fall, you can't imagine it's them who laid you a siege

Whether you are a brother or sister, to them you can be a victim
Their coming in and going out is governed by an evil thought system
Your hopes, dreams, healthy and wealthy they want to see it all bleeding
Even if you have no fault, they tell themselves let us fix him

They will never attack you direct, so that, them, you will never suspect
In the light of the day and in the darkness of the night, you are still their target
Their hate for you, without any justification, it is picture perfect
And so the degree of danger they pose to you, you must never underestimate

Of your every movement, like scientists, they are very attentive and analytical
But unfortunately, they are selfish, cruel, retrogressive and diabolical
To deal with them, you must be very wise, unpredictable and radical
So that their plans against you will never be effectively practical

To remove from you those who matter the most, into your life they break in
Even though for them you are always praying but against you they are always scheming
With them you share the same blood and yet they have pledged to make your life hard
To you, their punishment is never enough even though you may look helpless and tired

Somewhere, somehow, we all have one or more cunning evil kins
Whose minds and hearts is against us regardless of the same colour of skin
But your mind, body and soul, with the Trinity of heaven you must form a team
So that to the evil kins, you shall never become a permanent victim
©Brian Kazungu, 20/10/2019

Author: Brian Kazungu

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