
Good Parents May Be Rare But They Are There!

Good parents are the custodians of human values
They are reservoirs and conduits of life saving principles
To them, the wellbeing and success of their children is their mandate
Yes, they may be rare, but they are there!

Good parents know that the food that they feed their children can make or break them
They know that the information they expose their children to can make or break them
They know that the activities that they engage their children in can make or break them
Yes, they may be rare, but they are there!

Good parents never blindly love their children into sick people
By buying them food that endangers their health
Good parents never blindly love their children into gullibles
By exposing them to information that endangers their imagination and actions

Good parents never blindly love their children into criminals
By exposing them to immoral activities that endangers their sanity and dignity
Good parents never blindly love their children into sluggards
By withholding from them the principles of civility and responsibility

Yes, the times have changed and the world is no longer the same
But good parents know that the sanctity of human life still remains the same
And as such, they know that they still need to master the rules of the parenting game
Or otherwise God and the future generation will blame and put them to shame

Good parents know that children are not mere by-products of romantic pleasures
But are rather priceless treasures whose real value to the universe can't be measured
Good parents are builders of destinies rather than creators of miseries
Yes, good parents may be rare, but they are there!

©Brian Kazungu, 16 March 2017

Author: Brian Kazungu

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