
At Least

Curiosity cured your pain
Broadened your landscape
And never returned our escape
Like gods you were welcomed
Holy beings.
Like taboos we never broke you
While you were biologically and logically
Altering our helix

With our brains on our hairs
We wholelly offered you
The pioneer seed of beans
And you loaded out our beings
Body and soul distorted

Today my skull is whole
With a missing piece
My brain is inside
With a misplaced memory
My eyes can see
But can't visualize
At least a home

Out there is my seeker
Who is still a mistake of travel
A not yet welcomed freshman
A visitor till the end of time

I was the early bird
Who caught the worm.
And felt sorry for
My young fella.
And became and remained unique
Keep been unique and not fade
ODA was created out of pity
So I can be your kitty

My traditions can no longer name me
I can only be
An Afrcan-american
A mixed up helic structure
Celebrate homecoming and feel sorry
Hate me and melt my thoughts
In my memoryless brain
Soak my body with self-disgust

Support me with funds tow fail
And blame me for fail
Showed me hell and headed heaven
Created criminals from my blood
Against my body fluids

So if I kinda hate you
Don't think too much
When I frequently lol you
At least don't question me

I have lost all emotions of the sensible
Please don't deprive me of hate
Let me have it

Author: Asmaila Rahinatu

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