
We're In Deep Slumber

We're in deep slumber
Slumber from which they've tried to wake us up many times a number
The number of times we've been led astray
Led astray from Salvation faraway
Led astray to a land where kissing is the new hi
Girls giving BJs like lollipops are scarce
Dudes licking like lapdog Kings
Banging now means I love you
Relationship's a farce
Alcohol is a welcome present
Narcotics are well-wishers
Cigar an expensive perfume to smokers??
Insults make the core of our molars
Sad smiles on the faces of our mothers
Shame has become fame
Fashion without exposures is lame
Guy fucked a guy till he came
Transgender a common game
Foolishness reigns
Where is the rod of correction
Do we sin because of the grace from crucifixion
Let's turn on our notifications
To take note of the tragedies that afflict
'Tragics' don't come like magic
They build up gradually into a panic
That which causes death
Hell cometh on earth

But dark flees light
Time to make things right
To free the children of their plight
Bleach black, white
Tune sour nice
Turn hatred, love
Cos that's all there is to life
To walk in the way of light
Showing love to all travelers on the journey
Encouraging others to join you up hill
Lending hands should be your skill
Putting on the Armour,
Get ready for the kill
Death comes, it will
Coming for the slumber that makes Christians ill


Author: Felicia Dede

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