
Development Education For Mama Africa

Mama Africa,
Your home is endowed with and the largest
Supplier of rich natural resources to your sister continents

Yet you are the poorest
Mama Africa, are you blessed or cursed?
Mama Africa,
Your brilliant, smart and hardworking children
Cannot make their motherland worth living
Yet, migrate to strive to thrive your sister continents

Mama Africa, are you blessed or cursed?
Mama Africa,
Where are you? When your great children
Who had the vision and strategy to thrive you
Were murdered through conspiracy
Mama Africa, are you blessed or cursed?
Mama Africa,
Though your children are resistant to diseases
Your home appears to be the breeding ground
For engineered and suppressed diseases depopulating your children

Mama Africa, are you blessed or cursed?
Mama Africa,
Albeit, you are hospitable and tolerant
Your home is the destination to orchestrated wars and conflicts

Set in motion to break your home and impoverish your children

Mama Africa, are you blessed or cursed?
Mama Africa,
You are tagged as the poorest continent on Mother Earth

Following your exposure to the money economy
One you ne’er perceived but your quid pro quo system

Mama Africa, are you blessed or cursed?
But Mama Africa,
There is time for everything
In life, anytime is the right time for worthy things

This is the time for you to take a sigh of relief
The end of this injustice is in sight
Your eager beaver children: Development Education practitioners

Promise to work tirelessly, earnestly and endlessly to emancipate you

from the shackles of your plights
To make your home the best place
to live on Mother Earth.

Author: Atura Joshua Oscar

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