
The Madman And The Witch…

Todays’ poem below takes inspiration from the Biblical phrase ‘for what does it profit someone to win the whole world BUT loose the soul’ (Mathew 16:26).

A somewhat unconventional meaning I would attribute to the Biblical phrase above is that ‘ARE WE BETTER OFF PURSUING FANTASY THAN REALITY’? As globalization affords us newer and faster ways of engagement, and as technology enhances our search for fulfilment, are we getting caught up in the speed of discoveries or are we sped up to catch clearer insights into our purpose? As we daily rise to engage and disengage in the activity line up for each God given time, do we casually glance at occurrences in our day as sporadic unconcerted and meaningless mass of events or do we see links (no matter how faint)? Do we reminisce? Do we pause to take reflective journeys on our experiences? I suggest to a reader today thus:

‘’Life is speaking a solemn message back to us daily…may we learn to listen, hear and dance accordingly to today’s tunes’’

So lustrous was his campaign that fate wouldn’t budge to refrain

The creed was well spelt out, and his greed would soon send him into the reeds

Marched on, he fought for more, enchanted by the pleasure of lousy gain

Truly, there was no better a man than the man free from the chores of need

For the man in need they say is a man of greed
Endlessly searching, and whose appetite only gets aggravated by the rewards of achievement

To the winds, he shouts as concerning his home and friends

Pursuing the carnal settings of vanity
He never for once stood to consider the virtue underpinning his merchandise

Greed was at its best, taking roots in the very heart of his means

Laughing out loud, he had finally outpaced in his race

He would have no more relented in his pursuit, not until he had come across a witch

Shinny smiley vagabond creature bent on harm
A crucible from bliss made to victimize his kiss
Lips as sharp as a samurai sword, would only be reserved for the soul of his hefty folly

A fat beefed up witch she was, for she all too soon would tear the ribs of an encapsulated pill of joy just before a glass of soothing water could arrive

Her fingers clutched on to his throats, as faithfully as the speed of a fresh-engine-automobile on a highway

For who shall keep her suckling breasts, and who shall charm her weary heart with cheers?

For who shall win the composure of her beseeched attention, and who shall demystify the codes of her body verses

Touch me not, she would savagely exclaim, for the deep wells of her rented heart have been left unkept

For who best calms a witch than an enriched man, and who best serves a madman than a happy woman

For when the eye-glass of life is turned up-side down, then the woman by necessity metamorphoses into the witch, and the man into a lunatic

Remember, the green grass looks ‘green’ by the laws of demand and supply

The pervert nonetheless thinks otherwise…
Posterity will judge between the MADMAN and the WITCH

Would you be on the side of posterity, the witch or the madman?

Rite-life Freelancer
( [email protected] , 0266 650 605)

Author: Shadrack .k. Datrey Akrofi-quarcoo


Opoku Francis | 12/5/2016 5:54:43 PM

This poems dey bee papa


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