

Did I sound jealous again?
Or did I see photos of her
On your phone again?
Is your heart still with her?
Or am I being irrational?
I hate myself for not going

This is not epic tale
Whether she's your girlfriend
Or just a friend
I'm trying very hard to be cool
With it
I'm trying not to show signs of
I'm trying not to imagine what
Went on behind closed doors

If I am to accept
This is a relationship between
Just you and me
Make me believe that there's
No third person.
Make me believe that she
Knows that I exist.
And I hope she cares about me
I hope that she knows what
She's causing between us
I hope she knows the silent
Pain she causing me

But wait, let me spray this
Fragrance on you
I'm not jealous
But I hope she smells
This perfume
It's called inquire
And I hope she inquires
About the pain
I'm going through.

I don't want to shear a tear
So forgive me if you see me do
However if,
She's sleeping with you
Don't forget me
I know you've a history
With her
But I'm your boyfriend
Please don't forget me
When you are with her.
The thing is that
I'm just insecure.

Its breaking
My hearts into pieces
That you knew her
Before you knew me
But whilst I let you through the door
Just remember that
I'm the one who
Will still be waiting.

Author: Yaw Frimpong

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