
Poem: Electric Castle

My bride is in the mortuary!
Her love was pure.
She wants me back but I don't
She is dead and gone.
Leave me alone oh you ghost.
Leave my heart alone, yours has stopped.

If really you loved me,
Then don't leave me in this electric castle.
If you want to take my heart away,
Then please stop and let me run away.
But then even if I had the chance, I can't
Because I am in an electric castle.

As long as the blood covenant
Still remains unbroken,
My heart still remains hers
But she is in the grave.
How can I love a dead body
When I am only twenty one?

If really you cherish me as you claim you do
Please die alone in peace in this electric castle
Please don't take me with you
Please leave me and let me stay
Please don't take me also to that road
Let me give birth and name her after you.
Leave me oh dear
There is still more life ahead of me
Don't cut my body with that ax
I know I cheated you on while you were alive
Forgive me oh dear
I admit I am a stupid fool

Please, the ghost in this electric castle
Are hunting me with spears and blood
Closer they are at piercing my heart
With that poisonous sword from the grave
Please don't leave me in this electric castle
Please don't steal my heart away

I see an alter on that platform
Can I go and pray for my friends and sins there?
Lo, but I hear that the Priest in there
Is one of your kind
Can't I even ask for forgiveness
When I am about to die?

As long as I am in this electric castle
Then I don't think I am going get any better.
Isn't that bloody Mary that I see there?
Is she going to kill me like what she did to her family?

Oh such a misery that exists
In this electric castle

Author: Yaw Frimpong

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