
Our Endless Struggle

Many do not know that they are in the struggle
we never started but were foisted on.

It is an unavoidable fact full of amazement
but the survivors will tell the tale at the tail end.

The once sweet glebe is now distasteful
because of men who think they will be poor without violence.

We are living in an era when enthusiastic acceptance of individuality

has gone on errand because many have refused to accept the inevitable.

How many know that character is upper than intellect

and that a defect of character cannot be changed?

We are embroidered in producing children
we never cared to inculcate certain moral character in.

The performance of virtuous actions has become for the archives

where we have sold virtue for the lucre of this inglorious world-less cave.

We are suffering but not growing through experience

because we have refused to live honestly upon our audaciously moves.

Some of us are laughing tirelessly now because of those

who continued to build a legacy of reputation without building character.

Our struggle has made some to make us to see
what they think they are and not what we have seen they are.

The fear in this struggle is that some have killed
sincerity, moral fiber, reliability, confidence, adore and allegiance.

This is why we have been struggling very hard
without knowing when the struggle will end.

Many are pretending and making excuses that genuineness is unfeasible

and this is the reason the foundation of our character is shaking.

We now know that life is a string of experiences
just as we also know that we have endured setbacks.

Is this not in the hands of those who reward us now with rifle for our votes?

Odimegwu Onwumere,
Poet/Author, Media/Writing Consultant and Motivator, Founder of PoetAgainst Child Abuse (PACA), Rivers State.

Author: Odimegwu Onwumere,

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