11.04.2020 Feature Article

Unified Community

Unified Community
11.04.2020 LISTEN

A unified community is unified around the cross. I like this statement. Sometimes we do not understand the meaning and the importance of unified community. However, the cross is level ground. In our society, we can divide people into socio-economic groups, ethnicity, political affiliations, geographical locations, etc. However, when we come to Jesus, the cross of Jesus is level ground. There is neither poor nor rich, there is neither Jew nor Gentile, there is neither Barbarian, nor Philosopher at the cross. At the cross, Jesus sees us as the same people because we were all bought with the same price, the blood of the Lamb.

The cross of Christ unifies us as one of reconciliation, fellowship, interdependence, and family. When a church is segregated, it is indicative of the fact that they do not understand the meaning and importance of unified community. The most predominant characteristic of a unified community is agape (sacrificial love) of Christ. The same love sets the followers of Jesus apart. Therefore, I endeavor to live my life in such a way that I do away with prejudice, racism, hypocrisy, and discord by the help of the Holy Spirit. As the body of Christ, we are not to focus on ourselves but on others. That is the way Jesus lived His life. He serves as the example through being alive by the Spirit in His people. Jesus did not live for Himself. On the contrary, He lived His life for the benefit of others. Many local churches are dying all around us because they do not understand the importance of unified community.

Living as a unified community is tough. It takes sacrifice and submission (Acts 4). It takes off yourself and unto others. This sense of community thrives and it is attractive. That is what attracted the Gentiles to Christ (Acts 11:26).
