01.07.2019 Feature Article

Thanks To Every Reader Who Likes What I Write

Writer and journalist, Joel SavageWriter and journalist, Joel Savage
01.07.2019 LISTEN

Writing is a gift or a talent but don’t be too assured that everyone will like what you write. I know that in the field of writing people will hate you, while others will like you, therefore, I have learned in some ways how to refrain from answering provocative comments and insults lately.

I used to retaliate with anger but now I regret sometimes for answering my enemies with anger. What I have learned in life is that the truth will not always set you free and some kindness can even put one into trouble.

Imagine someone with a bicycle, begging you to buy his bicycle because he needs money to pay for some few things, then after buying, one day you are controlled and arrested by the police for using a stolen bike. This has happened to many people in Belgium.

I have been insulted many times, including my family name ‘Savage.’ Who doesn’t understand the meaning of the word Savage? Every educated person understands the name Savage, however, my name doesn’t matter to me it’s my brain and especially, the subject I will write about.

I used to believe that I am the only one called Joel Savage until I realized that there are 20 more people bearing the same name on the platform of LinkedIn social media: 20+ Joel Savage profiles | LinkedIn.

However, I am the only black among them bearing the same name, therefore, why must I cry if this writer some people used false names to attack, by God’s Grace, articles appear at the “MOST READ,” on ModernGhana news?

This gives me full assurance that people like what I write, just like how I love to read many of our columnists articles. I will, therefore, use this opportunity to give thanks to all those who have been reading my articles because you have encouraged me to write without ceasing.

Today you are reading from me, tomorrow, I may be gone but my articles will remain forever. Thank you, readers, once again.
