
Judge Not, Be There For People!

Feature Article Judge Not, Be There For People!
JUN 1, 2019 LISTEN

In my third year in the university, a first year lady committed suicide. It was a very shocking moment amidst mixed feelings and emotions. Everybody wanted to find out what could possibly cause a young girl who might have seen her dreams come to pass by making it to the university, KNUST.

Amidst the contemplations, one statement struck me; it’s been years now and I’ve never stopped reflecting on that statement. A colleague had been listening to our comments and countering the story. As if to give out his possible suggestion for what might caused for the girl to take her life, he said, ” so is it that nobody has told this girl she loves her to give her a sense of caring and protection.” As just a statement as it might be, it meant so much to me. How many people living with us long to be told they are loved at least by us? How many people living with us long for our time to have a feeling of being cared for and loved? How many people around us are living their lowest selves just because of no sense of encouragement that we never gave them? It’s sad!

We often accuse people and their character, yet we fail to see how we contributed in making them so. That girl who’s sleeping with every guy that you so much detest, have you considered it could be just a friend who would be there for her always she wanted? All the good guys will not give her this. In her bid to satisfy this need she encountered the bad guys and became this. Who are you to judge her afterwards.

We are quick to identify the weakness of others yet we fail to see how we contributed to that. Everything has its foundations. That little act of love or care you will show to somebody might be all she needed to live her dreams and true self. Don’t be the judge over lives; be there for people at all times as much as you can. It might be life to somebody!

Written By: Asamoah Eli
