
Britain will do well to re read Lord Of The Flies

My analysis on knife crime
Feature Article Britain will do well to re read Lord Of The Flies
MAR 11, 2019 LISTEN

Knife crime in Britain is not occurring mostly because of poverty, in my opinion, is because British children are taught that children are allowed to be haphazard, disruptive, un empathetic, disoriented and disrespectful, because children can only be children.

However, I don't think that's the case with children. Children in Ghana don't tend to be disrespectful, disruptive, kill each other with knives or guns, or drive their fellow students to suicide via bullying. In Ghana children are taught, they must respect adults, they must respect themselves, teachers, and their fellow human beings. I'm not saying Ghanaian children don't misbehave, they do but The you know their boundaries. They know some places are out of bounds and some things are never acceptable, and being a child is never an excuse to not own your actions.

Children in Ghana must say good morning, good afternoon and good evening. They must refer to all adults as aunty, mummy, daddy, madame or sir. The whole community can discipline children, and children must contribute to the effective running of society. They are not allowed to be hoodlums and un empathetic, just because they are children and children are not fully developed yet.

In Ghana children are not disruptive in schools, in England the common understanding is children will play up in school, because they are children. However, in Ghana children are expected to behave and that is the least demanded of them and they have to try their best to learn. Children will be severely disciplined if they go against the norm, and try to talk while a teacher is talking, disrupt the class, fight in class or bully a student in front of a teacher. Disrespect is not tolerated in anyway in the society.

Also, poverty is definitely not the reason knife crime is going on in England. I bet you poverty has higher levels in Ghana, yet poor Ghanaian children are not carrying knives or guns and murdering their counterparts. These children take on responsibility, fetch water, some even before they go to school. Help their families with sales, and still must respect all in society. When they go to school, if they can afford it, they see it as a privilege and wont waste the time to be educated, on being a class clown because that diminishes their chance at success in the future. It is wrong to reduce the poor to undisciplined criminals.

I watched a British business mogal Sir Alan Sugar say, schools need to have a plan for students who are not academic to help solve the problem. I don't even think it's to do with not being academic, how can children be academic or know their learning potential. When their class is being disruptive and distractive or they are the ones being disruptive. Or if they are being bullied into acting a fool, because being academic and wanting to learn is not considered fun, in many a public school. It's a disadvantage to the students, they cannot enjoy their childhood and be allowed to be children, because they have to be in charge of their own behaviour. Plus the children are not allowed to explore their potential academically or vocationally, because the classroom is not proper for learning due to discipline not being effectively enforced.

I am well aware of the history of barbaric acts against the black person in Britain, which is a factor in why most knife crime in London is black male on black male. Though, that is a part of the reason why there is a knife crime problem between black males in London. The culture of children being allowed to shed responsibility, and throw tantrums is the main reason why the knife crime as a whole is rising in Britain.

It seems children in war torn areas like Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria are not experiencing knife crime. Children like Malala Yousef are championing education for girls, in other parts of the world children become early entrepreneurs to support their families, or are campaigning to end the war in their war torn country. Yet British children with all the luxuries afforded to them, who are in a first world country are acting 'barbaric and cruel.' And children in third world countries who are poorer than them are not. Simply because British children are taught children can do whatever they like, because kids will be kids. Lord of the Flies by Prize–winning British author William Golding highlights the issue with young boys being left to govern themselves, they end up killing each other and the results are disastrous.

Children, boys and girls need to have proper discipline and adults must be there to show them, kids cannot just be kids- rules must protect them and help them grow into healthy adults, who can protect their kids. Otherwise the children who grow up undisciplined if their unlucky, become lost adults, who will also parent lost children, who are allowed to degenerate because British society as a whole now, tells children they can do whatever they like.

My raw, unedited, live recording below puts a voice to my thoughts:
