

Where Vultures Descend
FEB 9, 2019 LISTEN

In a country where 'Christian' as a tag is affixed to everything, Ghana is full of people who have no idea of the price on the tag. We have our Christian drinking spots and chop bars, Christian radio and TV, Christian schools, Christian pool parties and concerts.

We are proud to even have Christian comedians and our 'sanctified' artists. Despite all these great Christian themes to satisfy any lost man with a need for spirituality there are still many Ghanaians who have no desire or love for the faith.

The Ghanaian's inbred sentiment is to assume that everyone is a Christian so long as the person doesn't subscribe to Islam or outwardly bow to a stone or river. This devilish sentiment is perpetuated by "big men of God" who have replaced the fear of God with fear of men. The most vocal and celebrated "Messengers" of God in our land preach a brand of Christianity alien to the Bible but very pleasing to the sinful man.

A couple of years back Mzbel told us she wasn't a Christian and the nation was shocked. One would think a Christian nation would know enough of Scripture to tell if an individual is a follower of Christ or not. By the application of what is generally known as "Common Sense" we should have been able to tell she wasn't a Christian. But someone will say to me 'judge not' and I'll reply 'what about an individual who always dresses and sings licensiously is Christian; have you not read that "by their fruits you shall know them."

Jesus has said "where the carcass is there the vultures will descend"

Self acclaimed king of dance hall Shatta Wale in an interview with Abieku Santana on UTV's 'Atuu' claimed to be a member of Archbishop Nicolas Duncun Williams Action Chapel. What made that assertion interesting was the way he breezily made it. In the same breath he used to defend why he frequents strip clubs and almost demanded that such places should be allowed in Ghana he tells of his Church and pastor. Evangelist Lawrence Tettey tells us he's the spiritual father of Shatta, a man who has been living with a woman he's not married to, a man who smokes and drinks and uses foul words in his non-gospel music.

Just this week Ghanaian's have been thrown another 'self inflicted' blow because a pervert with multiple tattoos and piercings has said he's no longer a Christian. I make reference to a one time movie actor Tonado.

Tonado in the past has said he's a pimp who makes a lively hood by connecting rich old men to young girls. In a recent interview he made a declaration of heathenism, sexual promiscuity and a love for everything the Christian Bible is against. Yet our beloved brethren in the Church are surprised at him for saying he's given up on Christianity.

What is most interesting about these people and the Ghanaian sentiment of 'everyone is a Christian' is that a casual look will inform the Scripturally educated that not everyone has the knowledge of God. The craze among our song artists to sing a couple of songs praising 'God' has been used by Satan to make followers after his own heart.

So what has all these got to do with the big anointed men of God? It has everything for our men of God preach a gospel of universalism and a God who killed His Son so men could be rich and famous. Almost every celebrity in this land of our is a regular attendee of a Church and is most frequently given a place of prominence in the congregation. Many circular artists have reported thth get to sit among the pastors whenever they attend Church.
