
One-World Government 7 Ruling Giants

By Evangelist Narcisse Jean Alcide Nana
Opinion One-World Government 7 Ruling Giants
JAN 7, 2019 LISTEN

The project about One-World Government on earth is not the newcomer into contemporary politics. Egypt during the Bronze Age conceived the strategic agenda to rule "All that the sun encircles". The Mesopotamian empire forecasted a global government ruling "All from the sunrise to the sunset". The Chinese and Japanese imperial powers wanted a governmental control for "All under heaven". King David's scepter will govern the world from "The Euphrates River to the ends of the earth".

Now, the fundamental difference between the clash of One-World Governmental agenda lies in the kind of laws that are going to rule the earth. The Law of Righteousness and Justice Vs the Law of Wickedness and Sin. In other words, the outcome of the battle between Light and Darkness will ultimately decide who rules the world. Mistakenly, today's culture evaluates the One-World Government agenda as a purely human political infatuation that have convincingly landed on our shores through some Hegelian irrefutable road to Progress. Karl Jaspers puts us under clear notice about the deceptive attraction of self anointed historical progress.

The Hegelian March of History and most of Hegelian philosophy amount to some philosophical and political verbiage without substance. Indeed, the Global Governance agenda is as old as the Stone Age. It's the art of presenting as progress and modern some recycled policies of antiquity. What some political leaders today hold as hard-fought judicial and political progress is mere vindication of Bronze Age civilization. Beyond the relentless activism of the Global Government policy wonks, they are 7 world spirits rulers or spiritual giants teleguiding the roadmap ambitions of the global empire project. And the political forces parading on the global stage are mere franchise holders carrying out specific policies agenda from spiritual forces beyond their grasp. Ignorance destroys. And knowledge always protects.

7 World Mountains Government Standing Against God's Mountain On Earth

In Deuteronomy 7: 1-2 God strongly warned Israel never to establish a treaty with specific powers that have been ruling the land before Israel came in. God is explicitly telling Israel that behind the governmental powers of these nations, stand evil ruling spirits or giant spirits working behind the scene on behalf of these nations. These nations are visible satanic pawn powers on earth that must be defeated. These nations are simple political retailers of manufactured wicked policies from invisible spirit giants working to defile and ultimately destroy the world. For Israel to govern the Promised Land to extend God's blessings to all nations of the world, these 7 satanic ruling spirits must be defeated. God's governmental mandate in the world cannot coexist or intermingle with iniquity. Darkness and Light could never become bedfellows.

"When the Lord your God brings you into the land you are about to enter and occupy, He will clear away many nations ahead of you: the Hittites, Girgashites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites. These seven nations are greater and more numerous than you. When the Lord your God hands these nations over to you and you conquer them, you must completely destroy them. Make no treaties with them and show them no mercy."


Hittites refers to the notion of fear and threats. They built an empire that lasted from 1600 to 1180 BCE. As the giants in the land, the Hittites are the embodiment of evil spirits whose political agenda is to inflate terror, anxiety, and depression in nations. They reinforce excessive fears and threats as an instrument of political and economic control and power over nations and peoples.

By successfully imposing the reign of fears, terrorism and threats, they ultimately push people to ill-conceived policies and decisions that will bring about their downfall and final defeat. It's bringing dominion over people and nations through fear and terrorism. Thus, the Hittites govern by unraveling the moral authority of individuals and nations. It's governing nations by manufacturing confusion, fears, terrorism and hopelessness. These are the giant spiritual forces that orchestrate and politicize economic and social threats, unrest, and uncertainty in order to keep nations under their relentless tyranny.

It's the evil art of governing nations and leading people through their weakness, fears, and what they fear most. These spirit rulers heighten the sense of powerlessness and insecurity in nations to push them to take irrational and compromised decisions for their future. We understand why God constantly repeats to Israel: "Fear not, I am your God." We will never be able to bring God's government on earth if we fail to stand up against the giants of terrorism and fears.


Girgashites means "dwelling in clayey soil". They represent the spiritual giants of corruption in government. They provide the playbook of how to enter government and rule nations with only one focus and end strategy: to fulfill one's own selfish ambitions. Government and politics begin and end with their human ambitions. It has nothing to do with a mandate to bring about God's vision and values on earth. It's a mountain government that rules through corruption. Corruption speaks to "the impairment of integrity and morality" in government.

On the Girgashites mountain of world politics, leaders are close companions to big thieves, love bribes, twist justice, fill their houses with financial bonuses stolen from the poor, and demand payoffs for their service. Isaiah 28: 8 gives us a picture of leaders who have become morally impaired because they govern from the Girgashites mountaintop throne room : "Their tables are covered with vomit; filth is everywhere".

It's running government by lowering the standards of righteousness and justice for selfish gains and privileges. It is doing politics to tolerate and justify iniquity and reject God's standards of truth and justice. God's government on earth does not accomodate corruption and selfish ambitions. To bring the King of Righteousness' agenda on earth, the spiritual giants of corruption in government must be eradicated.


The name "Amorites" means, the "high one". The Amorites worship the moon-god Sin. The Amorites spirits are standing to challenge the Most High God and His laws on earth. They want to set their throne and governmental laws above God's government. The Amorites are the founders of the city of Babylon, with Hammurabi as the first king of the Babylonian empire who reigned from 1792 to 1750 BC. King Hammurabi is famous by the set of laws called the Hammurabi's Code. Known as the Old Babylonians, the iniquity of the Amorites is that they are the custodians of the iniquity of Mystery Babylon. The book of Leviticus 18 and 20 offers us a glimpse of what kind of secret initiation steps one must undergo to be promoted to certain level of government power within the Babylonian Mystery School system of government.

It's a government by those who have been initiated into iniquity to govern the world according to the playbook rules of iniquity. It's governing the world to fight and overthrow God's laws and Kingdom so that darkness takes control of the world. It's governing to increase darkness and push Light out of the earth. In Babylon, to rule the world is to govern under the code of iniquity with the hallmarks of immorality and violence. Thus, the Babylonian system of government works to increase idolatry and immorality in nations and individuals as well, making it generational. For iniquity is generational. The Amorites spirits work to uncover the nakedness of mothers, fathers, sisters.

They condone and promote incest in families to climb to power. They make it a norm to curse father and mother. They push to committing adultery with neighbour's wife and with father's wife. They promote marriage with mom and daughter. Once the leader's iniquity is widely known, celebrated and accepted, it becomes the ruling norm for the nation. Therefore the Babylonian system of government entrusts governmental power only to those who willingly consent to or conform to the playbook rules of iniquity.

Among the playbook of iniquity, we find the practices of sacrificing children to the god Molech to maintain or gain leadership position on the mountain government; promoting and fighting hard to legalize homosexuality and abortion. Homosexuality has been debated today as a modern and freedom agenda progress. It's as old as Canaanites cultural traditions and practices.The Amorites spirits condone having sex or mating with animals.

The Babylonian empire birthed the Greece empire. The Greek have the tendency of downgrading marriage between a man and a woman. They approached homosexuality between two men as being more "intellectually fulfilling". Greek art is a validation of male nude body as the standard of beauty. Beauty is male and the phallus is deified and glorified. Females have to become male-clones to be accepted and enjoy the pleasures of the world. Motherhood is suppressed. Fatherhood is abolished. Human being becomes the very image of his/her own imagination and intellect. A pure intellect that self-contemplates itself. You become your own god. The Greek agenda is the exact opposition of the Creator's initial design for man and woman.

God established Mount Zion as the mountain government where evil and wickedness will be defeated for ever. The sons of Zion are known by their uncompromising obedience to God and are known as the children of Light. The sons of Babylon are known by their opposition and disobedience to God's laws on earth. They are the children of darkness.


The name "canaanite" is synonym of "merchant". The Canaanites are people who practice the prosperity cult through what was known as "fertility cult". Canaanites represent the stronghold to the spirit of materialism that leads to worship prosperity and money. Among their cultural practices, we find their devotion to snake worship, orgiastic nature-worship, sensuous nudity practices.

The canaanites spirit giants plague nations and individuals with money-worshipping disorders. They govern the world under the strong paranoia of lust, greed, and the compulsive desire to accumulate wealth and resources at any cost and by any means. The prosperity and wealth cult comes with a price for those who want to climb the canaanites mountain government. The prosperity cult involves incest, rampant idolatry, child sacrifice to idols to gain power, and maintain influence and wealth. The prosperity cult involves homosexuality and bestiality to become rich and swim in the rivers of abundance. No wicked act is forbidden in the quest for power and prosperity. The canaanites brutally torture their own babies before sacrificing them to idols by slowly burning them to death in order to gain economic power and stay on the mountaintop of prosperity. To be wealthy and stay in power, those who aspire to be rich have to organize human trafficking and trade children to demonic entities to harness wealth and power. The canaanites spirits are so nefarious in today's nations that the earth would vomit them. They are an embodiment of a full blown wicked-minded peoples on earth. They represent a danger for the survival of humanity. They will ambush and sell human beings until there is no one walking on earth. God's government is bringing prosperity to nations and peoples through the highways of human dignity and freedom.


The name "perizzites" means "dwelling in unwalled villages". The Perizzites lived in unprotected, unwalled villages, with no discipline or restrictions whatsoever. They are rustic and rebels to discipline, self-control, law and order. They believe the possessions and belonging of others and nations belong to one and all. These spirits govern through anarchy, chaos, the destruction of the rule of law and civility in nations.

They thrive through chaos and lawlessness and aim at destroying law enforcement in nations. They want an open border society and are the first architects of the global compact on migration. They promote migration free zones. They dream about a global citizen world order that ultimately concludes in a world without local government, frontiers and borders. That's why they want to suppress national sovereignty control, borders, and restrictions. Nations and peoples have to surrender their freedom and autonomy.

This lifestyle represents the spirit of immorality and vulnerability to arbitrary evil attacks. The Perizzites govern to rule the world without moral and spiritual walls or gates to protect the nations. They cripple people and nations, disabling them from self-control, authority, and autonomy to decide for their future and security. They suppress authority, turning people into disabled and vulnerable mobs. They turn nations into open and unprotected zones for predators. These spirit giants on earth work to bring about a generation of spiritual stagnation and to spiritually and morally bankrupt nations. Their endgame is ultimately leading peoples to poverty and nations to self-implosion from within.

God is warning his peoples never to settle in unprotected cities. As in the natural, so it is in the spiritual. It amounts to letting our spirits go unprotected and unwalled when we get rid of our spiritual guards and borders. God's children are children of the King. The King's children are always under security watch because their lives are so precious. They need walls, borders patrols and watchmen on the walls of their city. The king's sons and daughters never go unprotected and don't dwell in lawlessness cities. God is a Lawgiver and Lawmaker. God's kingdom is a kingdom of order, not a chaotic kingdom without walls and borders. Don't ever become too complacent and careless to the point of dropping your spiritual guard and frontiers. In Ezekiel 38: 10-11, the Lord is telling us that there are enemies outside waiting to strike those who are left without protection and security measures : "This is what the Sovereign Lord says: You will say, 'I will invade a land of unwalled villages; I will attack a peaceful and unsuspecting people - all of them living without walls and without gates and bars."


The Hivites spirit is represented as a serpent. It is one of the most dangerous of all evil spirits that fights to control world politics. The Hivites spirit governs through the spirit of humanism. The Hivites govern to assert that everything is relative. They reject moral or legal absolutes. Man becomes the highest authority in the world. They want to give a free pass to people to write their own moral code. They will change national constitutions to remove God's righteous laws.

Therefore, the spiritual forces of humanism work to bring to power administrations that govern the world to promote an open and deliberate rejection of God's agenda of righteous laws in the world. Humanism will accept anything but righteousness. It's governing the world and individuals through the exaltation of man to displace God out of the world. It's self-exaltation to take God's place in nations and individuals. It's self government to promote human ability and responsibility to choose ethical lives that lead to personal fulfillment without any need of God. Human beings become the agents of their own history. Man becomes the measure of all things, not God.

Humanism is defined as the denial of any power or moral value superior to that of humanity; the rejection of God in favor of a belief in the advancement of humanity by its own efforts. Humanism stands as a deliberate rejection and denial of God's authority and power. It's governing to bring in a lawlessness humanity, who exalts man above everything that is called God. Man has to proclaim himself to be God. Humanism carries the seeds of the old serpent given to humanity in the garden of Eden: "You will be like God!" The Hivites govern through the promotion of hedonism and luxurious lifestyle, and pleasures of this world.


The name "Jebusites" - Threshing place - refers to the act of treading down or trampling down with a sense of provoking a downfall or subjugation without mercy. It refers to the process of threshing or winnowing the grain. The Jebusites are people who live in the mountains, making it difficult to conquer them. The Jebusites are the tribes who lived around what is today's city of Jerusalem. In 1070 B.C.E., David conquered the stronghold of the Jebusites, capturing the city. The Jebusites are spirits that stomp down on people, bruising them without heart. They humiliate those who oppose their power to prevent them from rising or growing. Anytime people and nations attempt to assume authority, they deliberately put them down and shame them. They rob you of your peace and victory. They suppress autonomy and authority to make sure they are the only one on the mountain of government.

Finally, how to defeat these 7 world government spirit giants? We need to place a smooth stone in David's sling weapon system and take them down with only one shot. These 7 world giant spirits are working to oppose God's Kingdom on earth. Only a single stone with 7 perfect facets could take down what stands against God's Kingdom agenda for the world. The perfect stone with 7 facets is Jesus - The Word of God. We defeat the giants with His Word. Iniquity will be removed from the world with a shot in a single day. "Soon I am going to bring my servant, the Branch. Now look at the jewel I have set before Jeshua, a single stone with seven facets. I will engrave an inscription on it, says the Lord of Heaven's Armies, and I will remove the sins of this land in a single day." Zechariah 3: 8-9

Evangelist Narcisse Jean Alcide Nana

His last book is on Cyber warfare and Geopolitics:

Virus militarisés par Narcisse Jean Alcide Nana

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