09.11.2018 Feature Article

The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire

The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire
09.11.2018 LISTEN

The rapid increase of divorce; the undermining of the dignity and sanctity of the home, which is the basis of human society.

Higher and higher taxes and the spending of public monies for free bread and circuses for the populace.

The mad craze for pleasure; sports becoming more exciting every year and more brutal.

The building of gigantic armaments when the real enemy was within; the decadence of the people

The decay of religion—faith fading into mere form, losing touch with life and becoming impotent to warn and guide the people (Edward Gibbon). Are there lessons for our world today?

We generally think of judgment in negative terms, but it bears the

idea of vindication as well. The world is quick to condemn but not as ready as the Lord to forgive. So, in the judgment, there will be words of commendation as well as condemnation (Morris Inch, The Saga of the Spirit).

Prayer is much like a check to be countersigned by two parties. I sign the check and send it up to heaven. If Jesus Christ also signs it, it does not matter how large it is---it will be honored (Unknown Author).


Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love, Where there is injury, pardon, Where there is doubt, faith, Where there is despair, hope, Where there is darkness, light, Where there is sadness, joy.

Are you in sorrow? Prayer can make your affliction sweet and strengthening. Are you in gladness? Prayer can add to your joy a celestial perfume. Are you in extreme danger from outward or inward enemies? Prayer can set at your right hand an angel whose touch could shatter a millstone into smaller dust than the flour it grinds and whose glance could lay an army low. What will prayer do for you? I answer. All that God can do for you (By Farrar, Quoted in Streams in the Desert).
