25.10.2018 Feature Article

The Fair And Foul Players

The Fair And Foul Players
25.10.2018 LISTEN

There are two ways one can follow in winning a game/contest/competition; they are by fair or by foul means. With the foul means, one contestant seek to disable the other opponents to win without much effort, while with the fair means, one gives off their best to prove their capabilities.

The wickedness in the foul method and the likelihood of it causing serious harm to the other opponent(s) have made this method unacceptable in any decent contest. Apart from the disqualification that a culprit is bound to get if caught, anyone who is scrupulous would not even enjoy going by this method, because it is demeaning; this method ranges from a mild verbal pull-him-down (PHD) to a more dangerous life-threatening and fatal acts.

It is noteworthy that those who seek to play foul are not seeking any advancement per se, either for themselves or for the situation, but rather the destruction of potential the progressive! So for them the world could remain as it is for as long as no one is standing out as a winner or successful. Would you rather be honorable or mischievous?

