10.10.2018 Feature Article

Nutrients Prescription And Medical Advice For Aids Patients

Holland scientist and micro-surgeon, Johan Van DongenHolland scientist and micro-surgeon, Johan Van Dongen
10.10.2018 LISTEN

“First, some attention will be given to things that should absolutely be avoided. Below are described medications, actions, and nutrients that are absolutely forbidden for HIV/AIDS-patients.” – Micro-Surgeon Johan Van Dongen.

Things that are absolutely forbidden
One should be very careful with radiation methodologies and the application of cortisol. If possible, they should be avoided.

There should not be any loss of blood in whatever form. Surgical operations should be avoided. Certain medicinal drugs that attack the immune system of the body should be avoided. Antibiotics should not be given or taken because they induce the production of HIV.

Nutrients that cause diarrhea should be avoided and also food substances that may irritate the stomach/ and or the intestines.

Things that should be done while treating HIV/AIDS

– Reducing the level of cortisol in the blood

– Using the substances that ameliorate the situation for HIV in the body and that strengthen the nervous system. These substances are: Hypericin, Tryptophan, and Diphenylhydantoin

– Using exclusively the following antidotes: Zinc, Lidocaine, Procaine, Nifedipine, Cimetidine opiates like Methadone, Naltrexone peptide T. and Thalidomide (Softenon).

– Individual prescription, according to the need of Suramin Ketoconazole and Rifabutin.

Increase the level of sex hormones by:

  1. a) Maintaining and bringing balance in the sensory perceptions
  2. b) Using Vitamin E (Spondyvit, Sanavitan).
  3. c) Make use of dehydroepiandrosterone DHEA, Testosterone, Megestrolacetate,
  4. d) Oestrogen, RU 486 and Trichosanthin.

Improve or renew the function of the thymus by providing thymus stimulating medication like Thym-Uvocal, Thymoject, TP-1 Serono, Thymopentin, Timunox. Also provide extracts of Arborvitae, Inosinptranobex (Inosin, Delimmum, Isoprinosin), Diethyldithiocarbamate (Imuthiol, Disulfiram, Antabus), Tuftsin, Tacridin

Improve the interferon mechanism with Kemron (see reference).

Give the patients antibodies to fight infections by providing intravenous injections with gammaglobulins, called IgA, IgD, IgE, IGF, and IgM

Bring HIV under control by providing: Dextran-sulphate; Sklerogamma, Asuro, Bicibon, which is available in see products, fish, crustaceans, alges and cartilage extracts; AL 721 (Essentiale Forte, Lipostabil 300, Ovothin 120; the yolk of an egg, nuts, lecithin, seed oil) and HPA-23.

In addition, Johan Van Dongen provides some recommendations as to how to treat a number of opportunistic infections that usually go hand in hand with HIV/AIDS: - Candidiasis:

Use Phaseoline, Ketoconazole (Nizoral)(, Amphotericin- B (Moronal); honey

- Cytomegalovirus infection: Ribavirin, Foscarnet, HPMMPC (Stals).

- Eppstein-bar-virus infection: Procaine, Lidocaine. Gargling three times a day with sunflower oil.

- Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia: TMS and pentamidine.

- Kaposi sarcoma Inducing an electrical current to the water while bathing.

- Toxoplasmosis: TMS
- Cryptococcosis: Amphotericin B (Moronal)
- Isoporosis: Ketoconazole (Nizoral), Fluconazole, TMS

- Herpes simplex, type 1 and 2: Ointment or injections with Zovirax.

- Tuberculosis: Rifabutin
Treatment of infected patients should be adapted to the symptoms and clinical results. Following medicaments can be made available rather easily and are used as a basic therapy for almost all aids patients and seropositive.

- 3x 1 tablet Hypericin
(Hyperforat, Psychotonine, Aristoforat, Esbericum);

- 3 x 1 tablet Zinkorotrat;
- 3x 1 tablet Thym-Uvocal;
- 2 x 1 tablet Pentosan polysulfate SP54:
- 1 x tablet Spondyvit
- For men: 3 x 1 tablet Andriol
-For women: 1 x 1 capsule of Oestrofeminal
