09.07.2018 Feature Article

The Criminal Intention Of The Pharmaceutical Establishments

The Criminal Intention Of The Pharmaceutical Establishments
09.07.2018 LISTEN

How safe is the medication people take daily when many are contaminated to create diseases for medical profits?

The findings that Aids and Ebola are the greatest crimes in medical history against mankind really begin innocently as well as spectacular, as we read about the vaccine experiments of Robert Jenner, Louis Pasteur, and Robert Koch.

When in 1791, Jenner discovered a cure for smallpox, which was very great news at that time, but to my surprise, he took the “proof of the pudding” at his own eighteen months old son which would not initially come up to me.

How safe are all the medicines we take into our system?

More or less fifty years later, it was Pasteur who acted practically the same, because he also uses a child to test his first vaccine against rabies. Only two years after the experiment of Pasteur, it was the third famous investigator Koch who succeeded in the matter of developing BCG, as a means to demonstrate tubercle bacillus TBC. Koch presented his findings in 1882 at a meeting of the Berlin Physiological Society.

Nowadays almost nobody knows how disastrous these first steps have been because, for example, Koch’s vaccine caused Tuberculosis. As a consequence of these inoculations, thousands of children and adults have died because of the contaminated vaccine.

Koch’s theory about this: “Because of this contamination no man on earth is free of viruses and other micro-organisms and when people get sick then we’re working on it now and in the future by making a drug in animals, but that is precisely the beginning of the end it will turn out.”

Because of the deadly events surrounding the respective above-mentioned famous doctors, or infamous if you like, it triggered us to think deeply about a statement by Albert Einstein: “The important thing is not to stop questions.”

And one of these questions to us is about the consequences of exchanging microorganisms between animals and human beings in contaminated vaccines at a time that Aids-causing viruses could not be detected.

Koch’s statement gave us an almost monomaniacal urge to explore how Aids and Ebola yielded the greatest crime in medical history. This urge was reinforced by a number of facts that appear to Johan van Dongen, during the first steps he made into the medical establishments in 1969, at 23 at that time.

“When I was entering an experimental animal laboratory of the Academical’s Medical Hospital Dijkzigt and the Erasmus University Rotterdam the Netherlands, as an animal technician, I could not imagine how my decision would affect the further development of my life.

At one hand I was overwhelmed by having such an opportunity to work with doctors and professors and the possibility to study everything I like in the field of medicine and be well paid by the Dutch government. On the other hand, it seemed to me as if I had entered a concentration camp of Adolf Eichmann and Josef Mengele.”

Still, in no time Johan was head over heels in an educational and animal research process, of course, they say for saving lives of innocent and very sick children and adults. Towering high he looked up at professors and surgeons and within one year he spoke to them as if he had become one of them, although he worked approximately eighty hours a week.

This friendly attitude he owes to his unbridled enthusiasm and an insatiable desire for knowledge, he thought.

And so he read about Koch, Jenner, Pasteur and later Hillary Koprowski and studied animal techniques, immunology, pathology, pharmacology, surgery, biochemistry and so on and did basically anything he could get to meet the monomaniacal urge to explore.

Suddenly the criminal reality presented itself to Johan since he began to realize that the way doctors and scientists, in the early seventies, do not talk about patients as it needs to be. Especially the way, in which animals and human beings are consumed, particular those who received organ transplantation appear to him as a science fiction story. Then out of the blue, he was confronted with a newspaper report on child abuse for human research in Australia.

Experiments with dubious vaccines
David Vaux
In Australia between 1940 and 1970 hundreds of orphaned children, including babies, were used as guinea pigs to test vaccines against influenza, pertussis, and herpes. This message is confirmed by David Vaux, an expert on infections. In the largest experiment, 350 children, aged between 3 and 36 months, were injected with doses intended for adults. It was the idea this outcome would be positive.

The experiments, according to Vaux, were not secret. It was discussed in medical journals and assumed they fit within the then ethical standards.

The Walter and Eliza Institute in Melbourne, where the tests were performed, indicate that after ‘vaccination’ the orphanage was plagued by a variety of diseases. Many homes were run by the church and the management always worked along with the tests.

Those tests most likely have continued even after 1970, according to the book entitled Kalikineros: “Every Second Child” indicating that in 1974, a mysterious infant mortality among Aborigine children in Australia occurred.

According to Doctor Archie Kalikerinos and his associate Glen Dettman, it is noticeable that in the early seventies, a marked increase in deaths occurred. In some areas of the Northern Territory, there are 500 deaths per 1,000 babies. As a consequence of these findings, Kalikineros started an extensive investigation of the fact and causes of the death in such a number of children.

His investigations showed that the children had died of an immunological toxic shock that was caused by the rapidly repeated vaccination to infants and babies including measles, polio or tuberculosis vaccinations.

In many cases, there was fatal pneumonia which can be compared with pneumocystis carinii pneumonia PCP, diseases that we currently qualify as opportunistic infections in Aids patients.

Vaccinations cause Aids
Not only the aforementioned topics had triggered my interest in investigating the origin of Aids but also the facts that vaccinations against polio, smallpox, measles, and tetanus, which led to leukemia and Aids.

Yet there are many publications of scientific evidence that this phenomenon is demonstrated, although this is also vehemently denied by vaccine producing doctors and laboratory scientists within the pharmaceutical industry. Of course, they do otherwise they would admit that medical is to be held responsible for the deadly Aids disease with at least an iatrogenic origin.

Doctors of Death
Alan Cantwell
Not only a journalist and science editor P. Wright of “The Times” in 1987, claimed that vaccines are the cause of Aids. After just a year later, Alan Cantwell notified in his book published by “The Los Angeles Aries Rising Press” that he had written a book titled “Aids and the Doctors of Death, An inquiry Into the Origin of the Aids epidemic.” In his book, he described that U.S. scientists under former President Richard Nixon had been involved in the spread of germs through vaccination. Cantwell stated:

“In my books, I had collected thousands of scientific articles that dealt with the onset of Aids. And while that could have proved the deadly vaccination is the story of a decision by the then U.S. president Richard Nixon.

Early in 1971, the U.S. Congress submitted one hundred million U.S. dollars for an intensive vaccination campaign, with the goal of finding a cure for leukemia, a disease that is caused by radiation.

The radiation activates mycosis fungoïdes, the precursor of the HIV-virus. Nixon’s request was honored. In the same year in Uganda’s West Nile District and initiated by the United States, an extensive medical field research started.

It involved about 45,000 children. Each year after vaccination, blood was taken to determine whether a relationship existed between an infection with the Epstein-Barr virus, also known as glandular fever or ‘kissing disease’ and the occurrence of Kaposi’s sarcoma, a skin cancer by the cytomegalovirus CMV, which also caused herpes. ”
