29.06.2018 Feature Article

WordDigest: When things turned around (55) Timothy tasked to work

WordDigest: When things turned around 55 Timothy tasked to work
29.06.2018 LISTEN

" But you be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry"

[2 Timothy 4:5]
While advising Timothy, Apostle Paul told him[Timothy] to work in order to fulfil his ministry.

Apostle Paul having known the terrain, told Timothy to be vigilant and focus on his calling in the Lord.

Afflictions may come but those with endurance shall survive.

Whatever area of calling upon your life in God's vineyard is task.

That task ought to be executed not for our glory but for His glory.

Focus on the assignment God has given you and don't be frightened by anything.

May the spirit of remembrance and endurance empower you to execute God's task in His vineyard.

God bless you.
O Lord strength us for your glory in Jesus' name, Amen.

