28.06.2018 Feature Article

Ruthless Vivisection And Shoddy Medical Research In Troubled African States

More than 400,000 children in Congo are severely malnourishedMore than 400,000 children in Congo are severely malnourished
28.06.2018 LISTEN

The Lancet reported in an article on January 6, 2006, on the results of a nationwide health study, in The Democratic Republic of Congo and found that deaths in the country were 40 percent higher than the average rate for sub-Saharan Africa. Most deaths were from easily preventable and treatable diseases.

Fever, malaria, diarrhea, respiratory infections, and malnutrition to name a few were the principal causes of death, together accounting for more than 50 percent of deaths in both the east and the west. Children under five years of age were at particular risk from these diseases, with malnutrition as a primary or contributing cause. Death rates were more than one-third higher in the unstable eastern provinces.

The report pointed out that improving security and increasing access to essential health services, such as clean water, immunizations, and basic medical care, would dramatically reduce preventable deaths. But not a single word was mentioned about human medical experiments and vaccine trials and how they affected the health of innocent Congolese citizens.

The history of human experimentation
The history of human experimentation in the West is usefully divided into two eras: Before the Nazi era and after. Human experimentation neither arose with the Nazis nor ended with them.

The Nazi era, to paraphrase Samuel Johnson's famous statement that, "Nothing concentrates a man's thoughts so much as the knowledge that he is to be hanged on the morrow" - the Nazi era concentrated our thoughts about human experimentation and, to some extent, halted its momentum.

But it did not end the practice of what Dr. Leffingwell called at the beginning of the century, "the secret creed."

Vivisection was practiced in the Roman era on gladiators and African slaves. But at the time of this vivisection, monstrous to the living victim, was sporadic. The real history of vivisection begins in the nineteenth century with the rise of the experimental method in science, and subsequently in medicine.

It arises from and accompanies animal experimentation which with the work of Claude Bernard in the mid-nineteenth century, became the standard methodology in modern medicine. As soon as animal vivisection became standard practice, the question arose about experimental research on human beings.

Animal researchers recognized that an inescapable problem had been created: the only way animal research could really be validated for human medical problems was to finally conduct the experiment on human beings, for there is no assurance from the animal research itself that a given drug would be valid for human application.

A famous example is the fact that aspirin kills rabbits, and if researchers had been guided in their use of aspirins by this laboratory research, human beings would have been denied a valuable drug. An article in The New Republique on April 26 and May 2, 1999, by Jerome Groopman, quixotically entitled "Merciful Medicine" describes the system very well:

“After extensive testing in small animals, drugs are tested for toxicity in human beings during what is known as Phase I trials. This first phase is designed to gauge the side effects of the drugs, usually in groups of three or four people that get very low doses of the drug, followed by groups that receive successively higher doses until intolerable toxicity is reached, like LD50 drug testing in animals.”

The famous chemist Slosson wrote on December 12, 1895, in the New York Independent; “A human life is nothing compared with a new fact in science....the aim of science is the advancement of human knowledge at any sacrifice of human life...We do not know of any higher use we can put a man to.”

And he was right because much later Aids is ravaging in Africa because of medical and biowarfare experiments. Medical experiments for instance in the former Congo, the country of corrupt leaders like Kasavubu and Laurent and Joseph Kabila, could be performed by paying bribes only.

But Slosson wasn't the only one because also Professor Starling of University College, London, openly declared in 1906 to Britain's Parliament at its investigation into vivisection practices, "The last experiment must be on a man." And so they did...

In Africa, the continent of medical opportunities as shown a century later. And in the Netherlands, as I found out in 1972, a medical experiment was carried out when human kidney transplantation receivers were used as guinea pigs to test interferon.

According to my professor dr. D.L. Westbroek it wasn't a medical experiment when he stated; “No Johan van Dongen this isn't a medical interferon experiment at all but a giant jump to medical developments in the future”.

In 1972, during a weekly laboratory meeting, Johan van Dongen asked his professor Dr. Westbroek, about another topic namely; Cytomegalovirus infection amongst kidney patients in the hospital. And he replied “Cytomegalovirus CMV? Johan, that dangerous virus could be a cross between flu and a herpes virus, built into a bacterium and then it looks like protozoa.”

The words of his mentor Professor Dr. D.L. Westbroek, at the Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands, never left Johan's mind because, during his forty-two years of investigation into the origin of Ebola and AIDS-causing viruses, he came to the same conclusion.

The statement of Westbroek forced Johan to dive into the university's library at once, exactly on his birthday May 15, 1972, at the age of 26 and discovered that those microorganisms were tested predominantly on black people in concentration camps and Africa.

Because of these findings, Johan started to write his own reports especially after a report in The Lancet in 1998 of Dr. A.J. Wakefield in which he described vaccines causes autism.

Doctors without borders Annual Activity Report and many other reports

The Doctors Without Borders DWB Annual Activity Report article on the DRC ‘A never-ending health crisis’ of December 6, 2004, also detailed a number of places, including Baraka, Bunia, Kisangani and Kinshasa, where DWB is providing medical care and counseling.

Another report produced by a team of doctors led by Professor O L Ahuka of the University of Kisangani in May 2006, stated that more babies were being born with deformities due to the health effects of the ongoing conflict. According to the report, the incidence of congenital malformations had been rising steadily in eastern Congo since the outbreak of hostilities.

Within this reports it is described the most frequently observed birth defects are clubbed foot, spina bifida, and cleft palates. But both reports never mentioned the criminal vaccination trials in Africa, and especially not in the Congo, then we should become aware Aids and Ebola were man-made diseases caused by medical experiments.

The Ministry of Health of the Democratic Republique Congo

Current public health strategies for combating the incidence of HIV/AIDS are based on the promotion of simple preventative methods including the use of condoms and public awareness. NGOs, both foreign and local, have been involved in public health programmes dealing with HIV/AIDS.

The Ministry of Health had an AIDS prevention programme in place since the mid-1980s, but it has been chronically underfunded because the rulers of DRC enriched themselves. HIV and AIDS still remain taboo subjects and people infected are frequently ostracised.

It is estimated that 1.5 million people are living with HIV/AIDS in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). In the capital, Kinshasa, over 4% of the population is affected.

A press report in October 2006, stated that in the DRC's 60 million people, about 2.6 million are infected with HIV/Aids or roughly 4.3 percent of the population, but of these only 5,000 people have access to antiretroviral drugs.

The report went on to say that in the eastern city of Goma only 300 of the 1,600 people with HIV/Aids had access to the drugs. The report continues, “the antiretrovirals are expensive and international aid has failed to finance enough supplies for the country’s Aids population.

But reports are easy to write and letters are willing to expose things which sound appropriate to international institutes and politicians without referring to incriminating scientific references.

The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/Aids was supposed to furnish antiretroviral drugs to the DRC but sometimes it takes months for the drugs to arrive, and shipments remain sporadic.

Mostly this so-called difficult transport is delayed because they have to be transported to remote areas or because of the rainy season. It sounds like they have never heard of helicopters for transporting medical treatments and medicines.
