1. Video Reports from IMANI’s Fellowship Lecture on the Critical Future of Ghana’s Energy Sector & How to Avoid More Surprises to Ghana’s Growth Prospects
This past Wednesday, IMANI’s center for the study of energy and natural resources organized a fellowship lecture and panel discussion on the critical future of Ghana’s energy sector & how to avoid more surprises to Ghana’s growth prospects. Below are video and text reports.
A. My friends, there are rare moments in our lives when we encounter the product of what true education is about. This video is one such product. I implore you to make time to watch it but crucially share it. It is 98% of all you need to know about Ghana's recent history and its future in the management of power, oil and gas. This would have gained students 15 credit hours in a course in petroleum economics. I am sending copies to the sector Minister, the Vice-President and President's office. Watch Dr. Theo Acheampong’s Presentation
His presentation slides can be accessed @ http://www.imaniafrica.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/IMANI-Public-Lecture-Final_25.04.18.pdf
B. Video reports of panelists’ contributions:
Mr. Ben Boakye, ACEP Executive Director's presentation video.
Mr. Hassan Tampuli, CEO of the National Petroleum Authority's video presentation
Ms. Marcia Ashong, CEO of Brace Energy's video presentation.
C. 'I'm glad lots of people found time to not only attend the event but learnt from it. It was phenomenal. I really enjoyed giving the talk and the follow-on panel discussions. The issues were discussed with a lot of detail and depth, including the points made by the participants. More of these forums are good and needed as it helps shape the policy narrative if the right resource persons are invited. Great job you and the team are doing!''---Dr. Theo Acheampong IMANI Fellow, Energy Economist & Political Risk Analyst
D. ''Mr. Cudjoe, on behalf of my colleagues, I would like to thank you for organizing this morning’s insightful and interesting lecture, which enabled a lively and open debate.''-- Regional Adviser, Sub Saharan Africa, Eni energy company.
E. NB: summary of key takeaways from the event will also be shared shortly.
About IMANI Fellow, Dr Theo Acheampong
Dr Theo Acheampong is a petroleum economist and political risk analyst with over six years’ experience in providing economic and investment analysis as well as strategic advice and research support for projects in the global energy industry. His work focuses on fiscal and other tax-related issues in the upstream oil and gas as well as downstream energy markets. He has extensive experience in building fiscal models, performing macroeconomic analysis and working with governments and international institutions in developing countries. He has worked as a senior analyst and consultant for leading firms such as Crystol Energy (London), IHS Markit (London) and Kina Advisory Limited (London) among others. He is a fellow of IMANI. Theo has a PhD in Economics and an MSc in Petroleum, Energy Economics and Finance from the University of Aberdeen, Scotland. He has a BSc in Chemical Engineering from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana.
Though thriving, certain particular problems continue to plague the energy industry of Ghana notable among them; indebtedness and low profitability, issues with contract transparency, inadequate financing among others. Despite numerous efforts to remedy the anomalies of the sector, the perceived progress has not been commensurate with these efforts because of a general lack of a “follow through” approach in addressing the problems confronting the sector. This points to the fact that remedial measures and their implementation have to take a different shape and focus and this is where the Centre for the Study of Energy and Natural Resources comes in.
We believe that the approach that will lead to the solving of the sector’s problems will consist of
1. Thorough diagnosis of the sector’s problems
2. Developing innovative ideas to solve the problems or adopting tried and tested remedial measures
3. Consistently tracking the application of these measures
Research at the Center will therefore have a renewed focus on consistency and follow through until perceptible and satisfactory results are seen. In this vein, the strategy for the Centre is to address the issues of the energy sector via the following outputs per year:
1) “Imani Energy Desk”- A quarterly article on a selected pertinent energy issue
2) “Imani Energy Outlook”- An annual publication containing projections for the energy sector based on analysis of data
3) An energy column- in a well-recognized energy publication for example the Oil and Gas Journal or Offshore magazine
4) “Energy Mode”- An annual (mid-year) energy conference/seminar/workshop for relevant players in the industry
5) Training Course for employees in the last quarter of the year, for example-the annual African Regional Extractive Industries Knowledge Hub which focuses on developing the capacity of CSO’s in the energy space
6) Imani Energy Sector Performance Index and Awards-Assessing performance of energy sector agencies based on indicators developed by the Centre and presenting Awards to deserving agencies annually
We need financial support for this sector. Please do let me know how you can help. Email me @ [email protected]
2. IMANI Annual Report: 2017 Highlights and Plans for 2018
2017 has been one of the best years for IMANI. Our national and international influence has been unmatched in our thirteen years of existence thanks to the support of our partners the team and the media. Please see our report @
Respectfully yours,
Franklin Cudjoe
Founding President & CEO, IMANI
Twitter: @lordcudjoe