20.04.2018 Feature Article

WordDigest: When Things Turned Around (12) Naaman Became Well Again

WordDigest: When Things Turned Around 12 Naaman Became Well Again
20.04.2018 LISTEN

"Are not the Abanah and the Pharpar, the rivers of Damascus, better than all the waters of Israel? Could I not wash in them and be clean?” So he turned and went away in a rage. And his servants came near and spoke to him, and said, “My father, if the prophet had told you to do something great, would you not have done it? How much more then, when he says to you, ‘Wash, and be clean’?” So he went down and dipped seven times in the Jordan, according to the saying of the man of God; and his flesh was restored like the flesh of a little child, and he was clean"

[2 Kings 5:12-14] NKJV
Naaman was a commander of the army of the King of Syria.

He was struck with leprosy and couldn't play his role as the commander of the army to its fullest.

When the message got to Prophet Elisha, a messenger was sent to Naaman.

Indicating that Naaman should wash his skin seven times in the Jordan river.

Inversely he tried to be stubborn by trusting the river gods of Damascus for a healing instead of the words of the man of God, Elisha.

Apparently, Naaman upon acting on the advice of his servants, listened to the man of God and after washing his body in the river, he was well again.

When things turned around in the name of God, through Elisha Naaman was well again.

Today, in the name of Christ Jesus may you be healed from any manner of infirmity or trouble.

Say, "I am well again"!
I am healed from any infirmity or trouble in the mighty name of Christ Jesus, Amen.

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