06.02.2018 Feature Article

WordDigest: When The Fullness Comes.....

WordDigest: When The Fullness Comes.....
06.02.2018 LISTEN

"But when the fullness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law,"

[Galatians 4:4 ]
Some people say God doesn't operate with time.
The truth is God is not bound by time because He dwells in eternity. But He operates with time.

"Mordecai told Esther... "who knows if God has sent for such a time as this"

When the fullness comes you shall receive grace to be sensitive to God's purpose.

The fullness of your time is coming... Get ready!
It doesn't matter what has been wasted.... God's timing has no errors.

When the fullness of your time is come... Nothing can stop you.

You can't be kept in the wilderness any longer when the fullness of your time is due.

As long as God controls the timing of your life, the fullness of your time shall surely come and whatever was called impossible shall be possible!

God bless you for reading and sharing.
Whatever holds my hand of time this year should change in the hands of Jesus mighty name of Nazareth, Amen.

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