
WordDigest: Strength Of A Bleeding Woman (2) Fighting For The Ultimate

Feature Article WordDigest: Strength Of A Bleeding Woman 2 Fighting For The Ultimate
DEC 3, 2017 LISTEN

"She had suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors and had spent all she had, yet instead of getting better she grew worse."

[Mark 5:26] NIV
Yesterday we discussed the pain and moral lessons from the topic concerning a certain woman who had to subject to bleeding for twelve years.

Today, we continue with this one.
Her fighting spirit for the ultimate in spite of the situation.

She kept fighting in order to be healed thoroughly.

She sought and fought for life.
The bleeding woman spent all she had on drugs, scans, consultations, different tests from various health cares.

But her efforts could not yield any positive result.

The situation got worse and this woman could have thrown in the towel.

She did not.
Until she becomes whole again, this woman would not stop fighting for her life.

Beloved it is not a good place to be.
You may be going through a very tough and rough moments where you feel like all is lost or tempted to end it all.

No! Do not kill your dream with fear and lack of hope.

Rather rise above the situation and fight for the ultimate.

The woman in her weakness had a fighting spirit but needed extra strength from some where.

To be continued........
Be empowered.
Dear God bless your Word in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Amen.

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