26.11.2017 Opinion

Language Agenda: "Sexist" And "Sexy"

By Dr. Abubakar Mohammed Marzuq Azindoo
Language Agenda: Sexist And Sexy
26.11.2017 LISTEN

The words "sexist" and "sexy" are from the same lexical ancestry. But semantically, they are poles apart. Yes, both of them are from the free morpheme "sex." Out of this word, the following bound morphemes are used to create the words under review:

● Sex + ist = Sexist
● Sex + y = Sexy
Obviously, "ist" and "y" are the bound morphemes, as they have NO meaning if they stand alone.

Semantic Analysis
An adjective-cum-noun, "sexist" means discrimination based on sex. In terms of frequency of usage, it largely refers to discrimination against women. Let us consider the following illustrative sentences:

● To reduce a woman to a microwave of the matrimonial bed is an insulting SEXIST attitude.

● Any form of SEXIST conduct is a criminal offence in Batangyili Republic.

In Modern Grammar, SEXIST LANGUAGE refers to the use of words or phrases that demean or stereotype men or women. In contemporary society, SEXIST LANGUAGE has become a serious matter of concern to gender activists. Below is a sample of words that amount to SEXIST LANGUAGE:

● Mankind, chairman, and manpower.
To free the above words from the web of SEXIST LANGUAGE, we could change them to the following words:

● Humankind or Human race instead of MANKIND.
● Chairperson instead of CHAIRMAN.
● Laborforce instead of MANPOWER.
Contrarily, "sexy" means sexually attractive. Synonyms of "sexy" include:

● Seductive, arousing, captivating, and tantalizing.

It is instructive to observe that although "sexist" and "sexy" are from the same lexical origin, one is derogatory, and the other complimentary. While "sexist" appears offensive in meaning and usage, "sexy" is obviously complimentary in almost all contexts. Dear reader, that is the secret difference between the two words under the scrutiny of today's edition of your favorite LITERARY DISCOURSE. The choice is yours: you can be SEXIST to him or her, or SEXY to him or her. But remember, if you choose to be SEXIST, he or she can deny you THE THING. 😅😅😅😅!

Allah is the Best Grammarian.
This discourse is dedicated to a lovely brother, Ibrahim Mohammed Kailani, in recognition of his successful completion of graduate studies at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST). Dahamani Descendants hail him and pray that he continues to add value to himself and honor to the family. May Allah bless his efforts. Ameen.

Lecturer, University of Applied Management,

Germany - Ghana Campus, McCarthy Hill, Accra
