21.11.2017 Feature Article

WordDigest: The Motive Behind Asking

WordDigest: The Motive Behind Asking
21.11.2017 LISTEN

"Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete." [John 16:24] NIV

In this chapter, Jesus told His disciples the reality on the ground concerning sadness and gladness.

In that an opportunity existed for them to ask from Jesus something in order to be glad.

But they did not.
Why? It could be they did not know what to ask for or had divided motives by then.

When you are unwell and do not seek for treatment from the right persons, guess what happens next.

Your guess may be as good as mine.
Until today we are still where we are because supposedly we have not asked in His name.

Even when we ask, how do we ask?
Do we ask with a right or wrong motive?
Do we have people who might have asked something from God with a wrong motive?

"When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures"

James 4:3 NIV
Some people have not received anything because of the motive behind their requests.

Today, be careful of what and how you ask in the name of Christ Jesus.

Be filled with the Word.
God bless you.
Lord I humble myself before you. Use me for your own glory in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Amen.

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