14.11.2017 Opinion

An Invitation For Kofi Annan

By J.P. Monfort
An Invitation For Kofi Annan
14.11.2017 LISTEN

I encourage one of Africa's super heroes -Kofi Annan- to become Chairman for West Africa of " A New Global Party ", which I have launched, the World's first: The J.P. Monfort Party.

My great mentor, recommender, endorser and advisor, the former UNESCO Director General Federico Mayor Zaragoza endorsed and wrote the foreword to my first book which presents " The new architecture of capitalism ", an architecture designed to eradicate extreme poverty once and for all from the face of the developing world and to bring society forward in the shortest time possible to a borderless World of Eutopia and Cornucopia.

Years have passed by since publication of The Monfort Plan in 2010. Since publication I have been consolidating a new global governance paradigm which I have called post-politics. The politics of the nation-state along with its capitalism is a broken system, obsolete, which for now over three decades has with rare exceptions, increased the poverty gap between the wealthiest and the rest of society, stagnating the middle class in developed countries and sinking a majority of the developing World in a precarious context of absolute and relative poverty, unemployment and underemployment, crime, violence. The political system, along with its oftentimes corrupt political parties, has shown an inability to attract the best talent, without which it is not possible to design the World's best possible future.

I have created post-politics to design a new global system of public-governance in which 200 High Performance Teams at the national level, embracing a philosophy of radical supranational integration , work, non-stop, altruistically, incorporating the imagination and the creativity, to figure out ways to move forward fastest along a time path I have called "The History of Tomorrow".

In my 2010 global plan I envision Subsaharan Africa as the breadbasket of the World. I present a plan called " The Annan Plan " (attached) which I suggest you lead, which explains how the appropriate investments in the right inputs could trigger a second Green Revolution to transition to a World of Cornucopia, of food abundance.

Because it's time to become men and women of stature, because it is time to embrace the dream and the love necessary to design the best possible future for everyone, and to do with a culture of service to society, to the most vulnerable, to the extremely poor, the unemployed, the underemployed, the hungry, the thirsty, the sick, the uneducated, those who lack appropriate water and sanitation facilities.

I believe in the power of team building, of working together, across borders. I am ready to become the captain of the best crew which will undertake the most fascinating journey of our History, that towards a borderless, extreme poverty free World.

A long admirer I have been of your skills and gift as leader, a maestro on which shoulders I expect to envision a fairer capitalism. The World needs more democracy, in the form of a global democracy with a global constitution, but also more education at all levels, more healthcare, and better infrastructure. For all these reasons I put together the World's most ambitious plan ever designed, and now, when it has been strictly necessary, I decide to launch the urgent call to bring you on board, as Chairman of our emerging Party for 11 countries of West Africa.

The J.P.Monfort Party is not a political party, but a post-political organization, it is a monthly celebration of Expert Dreamers, of Dreamers who love and Lovers who dream. It is time, once and for all, to say why not instead of why, to work together, to accept that we are one Humanity, one and only race with a common agenda and an enemy to beat.

J.P.Monfort has earned graduate degrees in telecommunications engineering (Politécnica de Madrid, Télécom ParisTech and Universität Stuttgart), business administration (Collège des Ingénieurs), financial analysis (Carlos III), financial engineering (California-Berkeley), economic development (The London School of Economics), public administration (Columbia), international law (Georgetown-in progress) Religious Studies (University of Chicago-admitted), public health (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine-admitted) and global diplomacy (SOAS-admitted). He has been a columnist for The Huffington Post and Roubini Global Economics and speaks eight languages. He is the Author of Wiley's TheMonfortPlan and is currently working on his second book " Fiction States ". He currently lives in the Balkans.
