28.06.2017 Feature Article

WordDigest: What do you possess? (4)- Trust

WordDigest: What do you possess? 4- Trust
28.06.2017 LISTEN

"Some [trust] in chariots, and some in horses; But we will make mention of the name of Jehovah our God.

[Psalms 20:7] NIV
Today we continue with the topic "What do you possess".

Our focus will be on trust. What is trust? Trust is a feeling of confidence in someone that shows you believe they are honest, fair and reliable.

Oftentimes we hear people say to one another other; " We trust you, "I trust you ", I have confidence in him or her". Are those statements enough to rely on all the time?

Chariots and horses do fail in battles or and races despite everything.

A lot of people trust in chariots and horses. These chariots and horses can be liken to idolatry, witchcraft, wealth, positions of authority, fame and other things that might have taken away our trust in the Lord.

Some trust in chariots and horses while others trust in the Lord.

David trusted in the Lord and became a victor over situations.

If you have trusted the Lord all these years for something, don't stop; for your victory is near.

Do you possess trust? And where is your trust?
Lord you are my shepherd. I put my trust in You forever in Jesus name, Amen.

Jesus, we depend on You.
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