
Roads, Lorry Parks And Markets In Madina Need Facelifts

Feature Article File Photo
MAY 29, 2017 LISTEN
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With the status of madina as compared to the nature of its inner roads, Lorry parks and market is really bad.

Its roads, Lorry parks and market are in very bad shapes, shapes not worthy of the image of Madina in the minds of people living outside the town.

Their former MP, Hon Sorogho(NDC) and former MCE under the NDC have indeed done a lot of wrong to the town, they have really been a liability.

I have been thinking about it and still wondering what informed and caused the people living in Madina to continuously vote for the former MP in the past?

Maybe I will need to consider a research on their voting pattern and what causes it in a near future.

I wish their new MP who is also the Minister for Zongo and inner city development, Hon. Boniface(NPP) is also removed as has been done to the former MP if he together with the would be MCE don't consider putting into good shape the roads, Lorry parks and market, but I know he will be spared this removal because my boss and party man, Hon. Boniface is a man of action and never disappoints, so he will see to their upliftment and upgrade.

Thank you
Hhhmm, may God be praised always
Nana Kwadwo Akwaa
Member, Critical Thinkers International(CTI)
