
How To Have A Happier And Healthier 2017

Feature Article How To Have A Happier And Healthier 2017
JAN 2, 2017 LISTEN

To all my friends, congratulations on making it to 2017.

I know most of you have important goals for the New Year.

In addition to whatever goals you have, I pray with you and for you, 3 John 1:2 " Beloved, I pray that all may be in good health as it goes well with your soul".

We all tend to take our good health for granted but we must not.

I encourage you to see your physician this year, especially if you have not done so in the last year.

Furthermore, eat a more healthy diet and exercise, as often as you can.

Have your screening exams-- mammograms for women over fifty ,pap smears for sexually active women, colon check for all over fifty, Diabetes and Cholesterol checks based on age and risk factors.

Consider adult vaccines like Flu, Pneumovac and Shingles.

Also, avoid bad habits-- including smoking, drinking, drugs and unprotected sex with multiple partners.

When you are put on medications, take it as prescribed and do not mix it with herbs. And do not self-medicate if possible.When, in places where antibiotics are available over the counter, we self-medicate and end up undertreating infections, we contribute to grug-resistance of bugs that cause infections.

While we focus on physical health, mental health is just as important. Build bridges to family and friends, resolve differences and let go of grudges; do something for others and your community and seek to improve your mind.

As the quote makes clear, all these must be done hand in hand with the nourishment of your soul.

May God keep you and yours and bring you to 2018, better in everything. Let the faithful say "AMEN".

Arthur K
