02.12.2016 Feature Article

Wake Up and Dream and Make it happen

Wake Up and Dream and Make it happen
02.12.2016 LISTEN

All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.-Walt Disney

It was the great Sharon Hull who once said, “A dream is the seed of possibility planted in the soul of a human being, which calls him to pursue a unique path to the realization of his purpose”. A dream in this context is not what we experience in our sleep; it is simply a picture or an idea of what an individual wants to be, do or have in the future.

I am sure at a certain point in your life, you had wonderful dreams-to be somebody great, successful, rich and a desire to influence and impact the world just like the Bill Gates and Oprah Winfreys.

I want you to know that a dream will remain a mere dream or fizzle out if it is not pursued until it is fulfilled.

A good dream should have certain characteristics. It should resonate with your heart. You should feel passionate and excited to the extent that you map out a strategy and move out of your comfort zone to pursue it.

Your dream should stretch you and make you think outside the box. Your dream should trigger the innovative and creative powers that lie buried in your soul. Dreams will make you a risk taker. It challenges you to step out, stop playing it safe, dare to believe and live with real intent and purpose.

Dreamers are problem solvers. They aim high to improve their life and the lives of others. They envision that once the dream is achieved, the world will be better for them and future generations.

When a dream becomes a reality, it does not only bring joy, peace and happiness to the dreamer, but also enhances the quality of life of the human race.

One reason why some people are swimming in mediocrity is their failure to dream or when they did dream, failed to pursue it to its logical conclusion.

It is good to dare to dream and make it happen. Dreams will determine what you will or will not do in this world. Dreams help us to reach our full potential in life. They make us tap into our intangible resources such us our talents, abilities and capabilities and to bring this to bear on our work in order to live out our best life.

Even though dreamers are the prime movers of this world, it is a sad commentary that a lot of people have no dreams to chase. And others allow their dreams to be stolen.

It is easy to identify people who do not dream; they live their life without discipline and they do not know where they are going in life. They have no goals to strive for. They are lazy and for that matter never reach their potential in life.

Some people also start off with an exciting dream but soon give up for various reasons. They may think themselves not worthy of pursuing their dreams. Their negative beliefs get them stuck in one place. They complain a lot. They tell you they are not cut out for success, riches or the good life. They complain that they lack talent and skills to live a meaningful life. They complain about lack of money, time, old age, or being too young or not having anyone to give them a push in their struggles.

Some listen to negative talk such as the disparaging remarks of other people in reaction to their dreams. Still others procrastinate until the dream fizzles out or disappear.

I have heard people talk about their wonderful dreams, but they never take the first step because they think what they want to do is impossible to achieve.

The fear of failure is what has stopped some people in their tracks. The morbid fear of being laughed at when they fail stops them from taking the first step. We should note that nothing ever happens without action. You need to overcome self-doubt and limiting beliefs if you want to shine in life.

Success in life requires many things including consistent action, faith, believing in oneself, patience, perseverance, passion, enthusiasm, optimism, a courageous attitude and having a successful mindset to do things and achieve worthwhile goals.

Friend, dare to dream and make it happen. There are people who are celebrated today as great achievers and world changers who failed many times before they made it. Here are two classic examples to drive home the point.

Oprah Winfrey, an African-American was born in 1954 to unmarried parents who separated. She was one woman who dared to dream and achieved phenomenal success as an entrepreneur. Her success did not come easy. Her first job with a TV station in Baltimore, US was terminated on the grounds that she was “unfit for TV”. She was also sexually abused during her childhood. These problems notwithstanding, she went on to become one of the richest women in the world. She is into philanthropic activities and has supported the needy in many countries across the world.

Henry Ford was a successful industrialist in the United States. He started his working life as a mechanic. He suffered business failure several times. He was the founder of the Ford Motor Company, which is credited with the mass production of trucks and cars. Despite his business failure, his persistence paid off as he died a millionaire on 6 April, 1947.Ford often made this remark, “Failure is just a resting place.”

In conclusion, dare to dream and make things happen. Dreams are significant; they help you live a meaningful life, they give your life purpose and direction, they help you bring orderliness and discipline into your life, fulfilling your dreams bring joy and happiness and last, but not least you affect the lives of others for eternity. You will also get to know your strengths and weaknesses. It makes you to focus on what is important to you.

Wake up and dream. Everything starts and finishes with a dream.

Don’t get caught up with your perceived limitations. You will need a lot of discipline, make great efforts, persevere, and work hard to turn your dream into reality. With your dream, you can make a positive influence and leave your footprints on the sands of time.

Live everyday with confidence, passion and energy! But above all dare to dream big.

Yours in inspiration,
Abundant Robert Kwodam AWOLUGUTU
Email: [email protected]
Cell: 0208 455 296
