27.03.2016 Feature Article

The Secret Of Breast And Testis Health

The Secret Of Breast And Testis Health
27.03.2016 LISTEN

Any bands that impede the circulation, leave a mark on the skin or prevent entirely free motion of an extremity, are unhealthful. The most healthful clothing is suspended from the shoulder, rather than from tight bands around the waist. Care should also be used at such trouble areas as the neck, ankles, knees, thighs, and wrists. Shoulder straps of underclothing can cause a heavy, tiring weight. Test your clothing by lifting your arms straight up. The clothing should move upward with the arms.for insatnance, Men's pants that are too tight in the crotch endanger the delicate testes. Their injury from compression and excessive heat has been compared to receiving a certain quantity of X-radiation.

If the breasts are more warmly clothed than the extremities, the resulting increased temperature makes them susceptible to various diseases, from inability to nurse one's infant, to cystic disease and various tumors. The normal temperature of the breast is several degrees below that of the surrounding skin. Mammary thermograms show an increased breast temperature in breast cancer and many benign lesions. The undescended male testis is a similar glandular organ and has a much greater malignancy rate than the descended testis, because of increased surrounding body heat. It may be that the reason for the increase in testicular cancer is that the undescended testis is kept several degrees warmer than the scrotal testis, which is removed from the major portion of the body heat.
