10.05.2015 Feature Article

Caring For All Believers!!! It's Our Obligation To The Lord

Caring For All Believers!!! It's Our Obligation To The Lord
10.05.2015 LISTEN

Dear Saints, by your many requests I have decided to repeat a good part of last Wednesdays sharing or ministration.May God be glorified, and may He continue with our preparation for His purpose. Especially the proceeding paragraph.

The dry bones (v.7) came together, and then the breath came into them (10). Showing that we must first gather together in oneness, and then we will receive the breathe of God ( cf. John 20:19-22; Acts 1:12-14; 2:1-4). That is where and when the Lord calls us into a local church the believers ought to cooperate with the Lord so that a conducive and prevailing environment remains, to enable as many as the Lord may adds to that number can endure and stay for such oneness to develop. Any unnecessary human interpretations of the scriptures and certain arguable practices or traditions may unsettle the new believers, and drive them away, or back to the world.

The believer until or before he/she becomes matured is very fragile like a new born baby.New born babies, must be patiently dealt with. Do not therefore start by stifling or burden new believers with, in our fellowship we don't do this or that, allow the new believers to be convicted by the Spirit of God, whilst they settle in and learn from the practices of the settled, Christ infused and anointed ones amongst us.

As the leading ones expresses God from within the fellowship, it makes it easier for the new ones to blend in. Caring for the believers will therefore mean that, there should not be any show off s or display of, improper human characters, attitudes or behaviours. We must be sensitive to the Spirit, be aware of the presence of the new ones amongst us. All of our sharing or ministering, must be brought under the control of the “Word” of God. It will be proper also to make our ministering or speaking to be very simple, clear, concise, and always full of Christ without the philosophy or tricks, spin of the “heathen” world.

V. 10. The revelation in this chapter means that the unique way to have the Body, the Church, and the house of God in genuine (not forced or coerced) oneness is by the way of the recovering spirit-giving life. It is not for the “smart” believers to lord it over or frustrate the new believers as the Sadducee, Pharisees and the others did with the Israelites or in Judaism. Allow each believer his or her space in the fellowship. The exemplary way we conduct ourselves as leading ones or as the matured saints, who may still or are being recovered by the life-giving spirit should speak volumes than verbal cohesion.

The new saints must be encouraged by such display of the way of the spirit led lives of the leading saints in the Lord, it becomes an appetizer to the saints. When the breath entered into the dead ones, it became life to them, and they lived and stood up in oneness to become an exceedingly great army. Glory be to God, and reward to the leading saints whose way of life and the breath of God in them, helps the new saints. The dry bones and the two dead branches in vv.16-17 became one not by gifts or by teachings but by life of the life-giving spirit. The dead bones and the dead branches were enlivened and became one as the issue of the dispensing of life and the growth in life (cf. John 17:2,11,17, 21-23; Eph. 4:11-16).

The two lifeless pieces of wood (v. 16) symbolize the two parts of the divided Israel, the southern kingdom of Judah and the northern kingdom of Israel. These two kingdoms could not be one, in the eyes of the Lord they were thoroughly dead and dried up. After being enlivened, they are able to to be joined together and become one (v.17)

Whereas the dry bones in vv.1-14 are for forming an army to fight the battle for God, the pieces of wood in verses 16-22 are for the building of the of the house of God as His dwelling place and not places. This "dwelling place" and not places as with the urgent emphasis is on our oneness; “but not as each for themselves and God for us all”.The Church with its numbers or numerical strength is in the eyes of God, One Body.

Finishing with chapter 37 (which means up until now we have been dealing with this chapter). the position of Christ was confirmed in this new kingdom. V. 24 Referring to Christ, as the real David shouldn't come as a surprise. Because I have stated that the Old Testament displayed the types of situations manifested only in the New Testament with their stories and occurrences. Christ the real David (Matt. 12:3), the real Shepherd of God's flock (Psalm 23; John 10:11; Heb. 13:20) and the King v.23, chap 34 of God's people. ( Isa. 9:7; Hosea 3:5; Micah 5:2; Luke 1:32-33).Says when the Lord Jesus comes as the Shepherd He cares for us, He comes also as a King to govern I hope many have not forgotten my mentioning of this truth.

The issue of the Lord's caring for us as our Shepherd is that we ought to obey Him as our King and come under His Kingship and His throne within us.Therefore as a believer,you must know that you are not negligible but a valued child of God.Bought with the expensive blood of Jesus Christ, dressed with the garment of the righteousness of God, and seen in the eyes of God as born out of Christ.

In relation to Israel though "the prophesy" we have been sharing or given here will be fulfilled in the millennium, the age of the restoration, and in eternity, in the new heaven and new earth.

In chapters 38-39. one will simply summarise those chapters that, the mentioning of Gog and Magog probably corresponds to what is written in Rev. 14:19-20; 16:12-21; and 19:11-18 concerning the war at Armageddon. This may indicate that Gog and Magog will take the lead among the nations who seek to destroy Israel at the end of this stage.(Rev.20:8; says “And will go out to deceive the nations which are in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog to gather them together for the war. Their number is like that of the sand of the sea.” Therefore Gog and Magog according to Ezekiel 38:2-3 and 39:1-2, must be Russia.

Ezekiel 38:2 indicates that Gog and Magog are of Rosh, Mesbech, and Tubal, which corresponds with Russia, Moscow, and Tobolsk. Ezekiel 39:2 refers to these places as “the remotest parts of the north”. What is mentioned concerning Gog and Magog in Ezekiel. 38 and 39 will occur before the millennium, whereas what is recorded in concerning them in this chapter (Rev. 20) will take place after the millennium. The verse in Rev.20:8 shows that Satan's deceiving of the nations that are in the four corners of the earth is his deceiving of Gog and Magog. This may indicate that in mankind last rebellion against God, which will be instigated by Satan, Gog and Magog will take the lead and the nations will follow.

Revelation continues to say this war will be the last war on earth. It will be caused by mankind's last rebellion, which will be instigated by Satan, God's enemy, after the millennium. Although mankind will be in a restored state for one thousand years, man's rebellious nature will still remain. It will be exposed by Satan's last instigation and will be purged away by the Lord's final judgement on mankind.

Now here is what fascinates me v.9,continues to say that the saints ( overcoming believers) who will remain at that time will have the church as their secured camp. The urgency of this matter to God is the reason why it has taking me so long to expand on the issues concerning the believer, for almost a good part of a year.I will continue to expand on this issues only as the Lord deems fit

The camp of the saints should be a peaceful God ruled place, safe for all who are running from the deceitful and doomed world and sometimes even from institutions parading it selves as "churches of God." But these are actually organs of Satan, beautifully dressed to confuse many even though they use the Bible.Join us again with our next sharing.
