Religious extremists, whether in Islam, Christianity, Judaism, or any other religion, know definitely that their logic is false and corrupt; and that their goals are illegitimate and fake.
But, they insist on their path despite their awareness of their deviation and its gravity for the following causes:
1. Lack of a sense of belonging to the nation; and the weakness of their citizenship in the state – So their alternative nation and state are a religious community and transnational organizations.
2. Inadequate education and failed practical achievement – and their veil to cover their inadequacy and failure are professional demagogic rhetoric and biased religious favoritism.
3. Failure in emotional feelings and defective sexual behavior – and their solution is to suppress feelings and dissemination of cruel ideas and practices.
From this perspective, and for these reasons it is illogical and unreasonable to negotiate or debate with religious extremists; but it is necessary and essential to correct the failures and deficiencies in the state and in the nation in the fields of citizenship and institutions, as well as in education and training and also in social relations and between the sexes.
Look at this man face it tells you one simple thing a DEVIL you will end up in hell.