18.11.2013 Feature Article

The Unguided Search For Male Enlargement Concoction

The Unguided Search For Male Enlargement Concoction
18.11.2013 LISTEN

Man’s preoccupation with matters of sex has led him into many foolish and degrading practices. Reflection on the subject, however, should serve to show the fallacy of trying to transfer a quality of an animal to a human by eating or wearing a certain part of the animal. Man cannot fly by eating bird feathers or remain indefinitely underwater by rubbing fish scales upon his nose, and neither can he restore waning sexual vigor by swallowing the powdered horn of a rhino. It has been suggested that man's universal attribution of libidinous effects to certain foods originated in the ancient belief in the therapeutic efficacy of signatures. If an object resembled the genitalia so it was reasoned to possess sexual powers.

Thus the legendary aphrodisiac powers of ginseng root and powdered rhinoceros horn. Medical experts find no evidence that powdered rhino horn is an aphrodisiac. The sexually impotent might as well save their money and eat their own finger nails or hair trimmings, since rhino horns and human nails contain the same substance, called keratin. It is a traditional belief in some lands that powdered rhino horn has magical and curative qualities, and it is highly prized as an aphrodisiac for those with waning sexual powers.

Thus the wealthy pay high sums for it. On the other hand, getting to know the rhino in his own home and appreciating the part that is played by such creatures in the balance of life has real therapeutic value in stripping off the cares and frustrations of modern living. The functions of the individual organs of reproductive systems are fairly uniform throughout the primates, but, in spite of this physiological homology, there is a remarkable degree of variation in minor detail of organs between groups particularly in the external genitalia, which, by their variation, provide a morphological basis for the reproductive isolation of the species. There could be no more effective barrier to mating between different species than incompatibility of the male and female sex organs.

The penis is a sensitive organ important to reproduction, urination and to sexual pleasure. The human penis is anatomically divided into two continuous areas which are the body, or external portion, and the root. The root of the penis begins directly below the bulbourethral glands with a long cylindrical body of tissue known as the corpus spongiosum (or corpus cavernosum urethrae). This tissue extends through the body of the penis to the tip, where it expands into a mushroom-shaped structure called the glans penis. The ridge that separates the glans from the body of the penis is called the corona (Latin for “crown”), or coronal ridge. The human body has more than fifty erotic zones but the glans and the corona are the most sensitive parts of the penis. Running through the centre of the corpus spongiosum is the urethra, a common passage for semen and urine. The urethra ends in a slitlike opening at the tip of the glans penis.

Men do not have a penis bone or a muscle that causes erection, as do some other animals instead their penis contains three cylinders of tissue that run parallel to the urethra. During sexual arousal, these tissues become engorged with blood and expand, causing the penis to enlarge and become erect (erection or tumescence). Beginning alongside of the bulbourethral glands are a pair of long cylindrical bodies called the corpora cavernosa penis. These continue through the body of the penis, occupying the sides and upper portion directly above the corpus spongiosum and they terminate immediately before the glans penis. The corpora cavernosa and corpus spongiosum are enclosed by a circular layer of elastic tissue. This in turn is covered by a thin layer of skin. The skin which is slightly darker in colour than the rest of the body,is loose and folded when the penis is in a flaccid state. At the beginning of the glans penis, a circular fold of skin, commonly called the foreskin (or prepuce), extends forward to cover the glans. At birth or during early childhood, the foreskin may be removed by an operation called circumcision.

It is also worth noting that the corpora cavernosa consist of empty spaces divided by partitions of tissue. The tissue consists of muscle, collagen (a fibrous protein), and elastic fibre. The corpora cavernosa are termed erectile tissue, because during sexual excitation, their fibrous tissue is expanded by blood that flows into and fills their empty spaces. The blood is temporarily trapped in the penis by the constriction of blood vessels that would normally allow it to flow out. The penis becomes enlarged, hardened, and erect as a result of this increased blood pressure.

The corpus spongiosum is also considered erectile tissue. This area, however, does not become as enlarged as the other two during erection, for it contains more fibrous tissue and less space unlike the corpora cavernosa, the corpus spongiosum has a constant blood flow during erection. The penis has a rich blood supply from the internal pudendal artery, a branch of the internal iliac artery, which supplies blood to the pelvic structures and organs, the buttocks, and the inside of the thighs. It is amply supplied with sensory and autonomic (involuntary) nerves. Of the autonomic nerve fibres the sympathetic fibres cause constriction of blood vessels, and the parasympathetic fibres cause their dilation. It is usually stated that ejaculation is brought about by the sympathetic system, which at the same time inhibits the desire to urinate and also prevents the semen from entering the bladder.

Severe anomalies of the penis are rare and are generally associated with urinary or other systemic defects that are incompatible with life. Anomalies are those of absence, transposition, torsion (twisting), and duplication of the penis. An abnormally large penis frequently is present in males with precocious puberty, dwarfism, an overactive pituitary, or adrenal tumours. A small penis is seen in infantilism and in underdevelopment of the genitals, or under secretion of the pituitary or pineal gland, and failure of development of the corpora cavernosa (erectile tissue located on the dorsal side of the penis).

Normally, when a man becomes sexually aroused, his penis increases in size, becoming erect and rigid, enabling sexual penetration. An average penis is between 7 cm (about 3 in) and 10 cm (about 4 in) long. When it is erect it increases in length to between 13 cm (about 5 in) and 18 cm (about 7 in). There are few records world over of penises longer than what is stated herein and one would do much by observing good nutrition early in life, frequent exercises and allow genetics through secretion of male hormone testosterone take its own course.

Testosterone stimulates the development of the male secondary sex characteristics after puberty, causing growth of the beard and pubic hair, development of the penis, and change of voice. The hormone also aids in the growth, muscular development, and masculine body contour of the adult male. Therefore rubbing of wild river onion on the pubic area does not graduate a child into puberty but just a myth.

The process of an erection occurs when the penis fills with blood. The arteries carrying blood to the penis dilate and this in turn causes tissue expansion. The veins leading from the penis have funnel-shaped valves that reduce the outflow of blood. As the erectile tissue begins to enlarge, the additional pressure causes the veins to be squeezed against the surrounding fibrous tissue, and this further diminishes the outflow of blood. Essentially, blood becomes temporarily trapped in the male organ. The corpus spongiosum does not become as erect as the corpora cavernosa.

The veins are more peripherally located, so that there is a continual outflow of blood in this region. This constant circulation prevents the urethra from being collapsed by the adjacent tissue, which would prevent release of the semen. The amount of blood entering the penis can be increased by physical or psychological stimulation. An erect penis contains six or seven times the blood volume of a flaccid penis. The process of erection is controlled by the autonomic nervous system. The penis returns to its flaccid state when the arteries relax and begin to contract.

Blood flow is once again reduced to its usual rate and volume. As blood drains from the erectile tissue spaces, pressure is reduced on the veins, and flow continues at its normal pace. If this process does not happen in the next few minutes to hours after intercourse, then a condition known as priapism develops and it may cause a lot of discomfort. A flaccid penis without any stimulation is a normal feature whilst a continuously erect penis may constitute a medical emergence malady.

The time one stops to change shoe size ( approximately between 25 to 30 years) may presumably be taken to be the period one’s penis stops elongating but fortunately enough we can still change our cloth sizes hence the width of our male organ has still some chances of expanding. Consequently, the place where we can find the shortest or tallest man is where we are likely to find someone with the extremities of the penis size as the body has some margin of proportional growth with the manhood. The good part is that once you have assumed your maximum penis size it is rare that it will start shrinking by any known or unknown condition except with aging which comes with its own consequences.

The dilemma of enlarging the manhood also emerges mostly because of ignorance of non-continuous effects of the products being consumed. Nonetheless, caring men need to be aware that from many surveys conducted women have confessed to be scared of big penises as it causes dyspareunia (painful sex) and have attributed the vice to increased marketing of vaginal tighteners.

There is no denying that sex can trouble an adult who has normal desires but who does not have a mate. Many persons in this situation have been led to believe that the solution rests in having affairs, visiting prostitutes or practicing self-abuse. Sex and its associated products are being sold like any other product, and we are told that if we’re not consuming our share then there’s something wrong with us.

Yes, the sales propaganda about sex or aphrodisiac abounds in movies, magazines and books. A widely published view is that “human beings are sexual beings and without the constant stimulation of regular and frequent sex they tend to fade. But, taking strong exception to this view, psychologist Edwards stated: “People can abstain from sexual intercourse for long periods of time and still show no ill effects. Whether you are a man or a woman, it is mostly a matter of adapting to the facts of a situation.” A wiser course is to realize that a single person can keep normal desire in check by exercising self-control. Mature reasoning and self-discipline can help a person to lessen sex longings by avoiding things that stimulate them.

Illustrating this, a divorcée in Livingstone town Zambia when quizzed said that she is very strict with herself in this regard. She keeps far away from romantic or sex-oriented novels and movies. She added: “Sometimes I won’t listen to certain records or songs because they would play on my emotions. When I am feeling sentimental, I turn them off or skip them, for they would only fan romantic longings”. On another observation, teenagers who listen to music with raunchy, sexual lyrics are likely to start having sex sooner than those who prefer other songs. Songs depicting men as ‘sex-driven studs,’ women as sex objects and with explicit references to sex acts are more likely to trigger early sexual behavior than those where sexual references are more veiled.

Furthermore, sexual activity can be stimulated in humans and animals by drugs that affect the pituitary gland. Preparations commonly sold as aphrodisiacs can be dangerous or ineffective. Aphrodisiac have been known generally to be a substance that arouses or increases sexual desire. Despite long-standing beliefs of sexual performance boosters, there have been no popular scientific studies in internal aphrodisiac.

Scientific research is limited to occasional tests of drugs or hormones for the cure of male impotence. Most writings on the subject are little more than unscientific compilations of traditional or folkloric material. Of the various foods to which aphrodisiac powers are traditionally attributed, fish, vegetables, and spices have been the most popular throughout history. In none of these foods, however, have any chemical agents been identified that could effect a direct physiological reaction upon the genitourinary tract, and it must be concluded that the reputation of various supposedly erotic foods is based not upon fact but upon folklore. Viagra on the other hand offers a novel way to treat male impotence, or erectile dysfunction.

Taken in pill form about an hour before sexual activity, Viagra has been known to improve blood flow to the penis and thereby allowing a man to respond naturally to sexual stimulation. In clinical trials the drug has shown to restore sexual function in 7 out of 10 men. Previous treatments had involved surgical implants, suppositories, pumplike devices, and injection of drugs directly into the penis. The overwhelming demand for Viagra has created some unanticipated ethical, legal, and economic dilemmas. Although a full medical examination is recommended prior to taking Viagra, a controversial new industry has sprang up offering consumers prescriptions via the Internet mostly by uncertified prescribers.

With the exception of certain drugs such as alcohol or marijuana, which may lead to sexual excitation through disinhibition, modern medical science recognizes a very limited number of aphrodisiacs. These are, principally, cantharides and yohimbine, both of which stimulate sexual arousal by irritating the urinary tract when excreted. Cantharides, or cantharidin, consists of the broken dried remains of the blister beetle or Lytta vesicatoria. It has been a traditional sexual stimulant fed to male livestock to facilitate breeding. In humans the substance produces skin blisters on contact, and attempts to ingest it as an aphrodisiac are considered extremely hazardous. Yohimbine is a crystalline alkaloid substance derived from the bark of the yohimbé tree (Corynanthe yohimbe) found in central Africa, where it has been used for centuries to increase sexual powers. Although it has been promoted as an aphrodisiac, most investigators feel that any clinical change in sexual powers after its use is probably due to suggestion, because stimulatory effects are elicited only with toxic doses.

Furthermore, a number of drugs taken orally or applied topically are known to affect erectile ability, including those affecting nerve transmission, muscle relaxation, and hormones. Some traditional drugs known to have aphrodisiac properties are among these. They are seldom prescribed by physicians because their functions, side effects, and interactions with other drugs are not well known. Most scientific researchers have approved the use of sildenafil, a drug marketed under the brand name Viagra, for use in treating impotence. Viagra, which works by slowing the rate of blood flow out of the penis, is taken orally in tablet form. A number of other drugs to treat impotence, such as Cialis, the brand name for tadalafil, and Levitra, the brand name for vardenafil, have since been approved. Cialis is effective for longer periods, up to 36 hours, compared with Viagra and Levitra, which are effective for up to 4 hours. Some of the locally available aphrodisiac with ‘strange names’ whose effect we would not want to question here includes; Kill me quickly, Picture theory, Congo dust,7 hours, Blue diamond, Enzoy, mutototo, machine man, Real man, etc. If we at all need these products without a doctor’s prescription then it simply implies that men of this generation are been born with some sort of penile dysfunction that needs a lot of attention to satisfy.

IF YOU were to take a poll on “What makes for happiness among adults?” many of the answers would involve sex. That is to be expected, because sexual feelings and desires are a God-given part of every normal healthy person. When we consider how sex relates to a person’s happiness, we need to look beyond today. With our lasting welfare in view, the Bible helps us to consider how what we do will affect both ourselves and others tomorrow, next year and throughout our life. Some may feel that God is here being needlessly restrictive. But do not forget that sex itself is a gift from Jehovah God and he is the One who created humans with reproductive powers. (Genesis 1:28) Therefore, is it not logical that the Author of human sexuality should be able to provide the best counsel on it, advice that can actually safeguard us against grief?

Well, discussions of sex have become more open than in past generations. Also, sexual conduct has changed. Advice regarding these matters is now coming from a variety of sources. What is viewed as popular today has been encouraged or at least approved by many doctors, marriage counselors and clergymen. Some people get their ideas from “how-to” books or magazine articles. The thinking of others has been molded by sex-education courses in school. Yet others simply pick up their ideas from novels, motion pictures and television shows that deal explicitly with sex. For these reasons, liberal views about sex and search for a concoction to arrive at an ideal size of manhood has been marred with a lot of misconception to an extent that some men now dream to have a one meter long male organ that might not even serve any meaningful purpose. The fact for now still stands that not even a cucumber; candle, banana or dildo can replace the role of a man’s place in copulation. The search for male enlargement may continue but users need to take necessary precautions in this matter.


Motivational speaker, health commentator &

Health practitioner

Email; [email protected]

Skype id; jones muna

Editor's Note:

