11.09.2012 Feature Article


11.09.2012 LISTEN

Living beings requiring urgent medical attention are put in taxis that have to struggle to be given access through heavy traffic with mad hooting, and dead bodies that have no targets to meet are dignified in ambulances with sirens enroute to the mortuary. What a country!

The nation claims to be fighting malaria yet is constructing open sewage drains everywhere that are chocked with dirt for most of the time, thereby breeding mosquitoes.The wealthy in this country don't care about the poor neighborhoods, leaving them to breed mosquitoes yet forgetting that mosquitoes do not require entry visas into the wealthy areas. What a joke!

I was searching for the home of someone in one of the residential areas. Since our beloved country does not have a reliable street naming and address system in place, I had to rely on "Neighborhood Direction Foot Soldiers".....asking people in the neighborhood for directions. My first stop was in front of a hosuse where there was a funeral underway with heavy music jammin. I signalled a man who was busy "sweat-dancing", the kind that could easily pass for the "shakenomics" of a fully possessed man. He literally danced his way to me and continued "marking-time dancing" till I took leave of him. As courtesy demands, I inquired of him who was dead? To my utter shock, he responded "It is a funeral but I don't know who is dead"......Only in Gh. I recognized that he was a stranger to the neighborhood so I moved a little further and came across another man, but this time calm on sober. This good samaritan goes ...." Boss, go straight down till you see some "Smelling Bolla" (filthy garbage) on you right, then take the next turn on your left, go small up till you see a nim tree in front of you, then turn right, immediately you will see a woman with long breasts selling "Kofi Brokeman" (roasted plantain) under on mango tree. The house is next to the bush behind the woman. Ehe, the woman's name is "Adjoa Mame". The colour of the wall of the house is red and green and the gate is colour black. What a disaster!

In Ghana, most of us were raised in homes where you were shouted upon or heavily lambasted for daring to speak back respectfully to an older person. The homes were run on a dictatorial basis, with any form of dialogue discouraged, resulting in most of us developing a serious inferiority complex and becoming embarassingly timid. As a result of this catastrophe, most men in Ghana are not able to approach a lady, look her in the eye ball and tell her that they want her (in the appropriate manner). Guys sometimes send someone close to the lady to tell her they are interested in her. Others who master some courage, approach a lady by suggesting they have met her in a bank or some other place before. I kwow a case in which a guy was soo nervous and confused that he told the lady she looks like his mothers sister's sister. Lot of guys put their heads down scratch their hair to make their proposal. MOST GHANAIAN MEN ARE INDECISIVE AND EASILY INFLUENCED BY OUTSIDE ELEMENTS IN MATTERS OF RELATIONSHIPS. The dude dosen't want you anymore but simply hasen't got the gutts to tell you. He results in acting. What chickens!


CHARLES SAM, GOLDEN FUTURE PROMOTIONS. TEL : +233 (0) 244 685689 EMAIL : [email protected]
