08.07.2011 Feature Article


08.07.2011 LISTEN

July 9, 2011 marks the culmination of so many years of hard work and tough decisions and, as time has proved they have been the right decisions all along. The people of Southern Sudan must be commended as we congratulate them on their day of freedom. They have shown that they are a people with clear vision who would not accept to be shortchanged. From the beginning, way back in 1955, they saw clearly today, July 9, 2011 and would not settle for anything less. They understood that January 1, 1956 was nothing more than trickery and a British and Egyptian deceit. For being so resolute, astute and persistent we salute them. In clear display of true wisdom they knew that they can never exist successfully in the same country with a people who have only disdain and bigotry for them and what they stand for. The people of Arab with their Islamic religion and culture have always proved that they are intolerant of other people and their own ways especially their black neighbors. Today all the remaining critics of the world have become convinced, finally that the only way to deal with such bigotry is what July 9 has come to represent: The two peoples must exist separately and never within the same sovereign country. The Arabs are so consumed in their delusional existence and divine scandal to believe that people can only enter God's heaven or paradise by belonging to their Islamic culture/religion and when anyone does not belong, those are hated, hunted down and killed for being non-believers!

From the Anyanya pioneer guerilla warriors in 1955 to SSLM, South Sudan Liberation Movement and the later SPLA/M, Sudan People's Liberation Army/Movement, these heroes have fought as real men and have won and their victory is both for them and the entire Black race. It is a victory over the powers of darkness, bigotry, trickery, dishonesty, racial hatred, discrimination, intolerance and arrogance of the Arab people and their Islamic religion/culture. From 1955 to 2005, the year of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, CPA in Naivasha Kenya, these heroes endured the worst kind of Arabian intrigue, treachery and dishonesty. For 50 years the people of Southern Sudan struggled to free their souls from Arab enslavement, bigotry, intolerance, deceit, never-keeping-promises and never-respecting-treaties. In the process, up till 2011 they lost more than two million heroes and today the sacrifices have been worth it.

We want to commend the rest of the world community; such countries like United States, Israel, Kenya, United Nations, George Clooney, etc who have played very noble parts in a people's struggle against evil and deprivation, they have shown true responsibility as part of our common humanity and we are proud of them. We remember and honor the many millions of civilians who were murdered by the governments and people of Northern Sudan while the struggle lasted; the young men and women who died in the various battlefields and, then only recently the crowning martyr, John Garang. The people of Southern Sudan and the rest of Black Africa will never forget.

The date July 9, 2011 will not only serve as one of the most important dates in history for the people of Southern Sudan as their well-deserved Independence Day, it will also serve the same purpose for the rest of all the peoples of the South of Sahara. It marks the day of true freedom and liberation for all the peoples of Black Africa. This freedom is different and superior in many ways because the people of Southern Sudan have finally been able to shake off forever a very sinister kind of domination, the worst that has ever happened to Black Africans: Arab colonization. Why this Arabian domination of the black people in their homeland is worse than all others is because it had been very subtle and couched in the worst kind of deceit and dishonesty; a domination through racial and Islamic religious/cultural infiltration. Through this means the Arab not only stole the material wealth and stunted the social/economic growth of and enslaved their Black African neighbors, they stole, ravaged and shredded Black Peoples' soul. This inflicted damage is so far-reaching that it will surely take a long time to completely shake it away like evil cloth from the being essence of all Black People everywhere; the corrupting influence of Arabian Islam, culture/religion. We hope that with serious and concerted work, following this lead of Southern Sudan, it should not take the same number of centuries to completely rid of the Black race this sinister corruption. This is why July 9, 2011 and South Sudan victory is a continental experience that must be celebrated by all. It is the revolution that the Black race has waited for all these years and they cannot afford to cut the beautiful strain now. South Sudan has started us on this journey and the rest peoples below the Sahara to the South must seize this time and make good use of it.

Islam converts through the force of arm rather than appeal to reason which makes it unjust and wrong for black adherents. Socrates said, when he was being tried, that an unexamined life is not worth living, so also is any religion or culture that cannot be subjected to reason and voluntary choice, not fit for any Black person anywhere. Before the advent of the Arabs (Fulani) and their Islamic religion/culture to what is today known as Northern Nigeria, the peoples there had a flourishing culture/religion which was indigenous to the peoples; the period popularly called the NOK civilization era. From all indication if the peoples had been preached to, the truth is that they would not have chosen Islam above their own religion/culture which is not in any way inferior, but they were forced through violence and murder. So today the 9th of July 2011 and the Southern Sudan experience is a wakeup call to the rest of Black peoples of Africa to finally throw off their back the disastrous burden of Arab's as well as all other forms of colonialism, and take charge of their destiny.

July 9, 2011 and the people of South Sudan have succeeded in exposing the real problem of Black Africa: The pervasive and disastrous Arab (Fulani) hegemony along with their Islamic culture. Over the centuries these people, the Arab or Fulani never related with the peoples of Black Africa as equals, rather they have always stated it verbally and acted so arrogantly that they can only rule over black peoples and never the other way around. This is why the Fulani (Arab) of Nigeria could boldly state that they are only “Born to Rule” over the others. In Ilorin, Kwara State in Nigeria, for instance, Fulani or Arab people make up less than 0.1% of the population of the town but through trickery and coercion have insisted in ruling over the indigenous Yoruba people for the past two hundred years. Yet the problem is that since they rule with impunity and disdain: Attitudes that breed mediocrity and ineptitude, they have always without exception, misruled. Their rule and influence has been nothing less than terrible disaster throughout the length and breadth of Black Africa. Such negative attitudes will never allow any leader or group of people to run any successful human society.

Because the Arabs/Fulani never see the indigenous peoples as equals and in arrogance they consider their disastrous feudalism as doing the indigenous peoples some favor. They actually expect and demand from their victim genuine gratitude and a feeling of satisfaction with whatever they are getting, no matter how atrociously sub-standardized. Does anyone still wonder why all these places, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, etc will never succeed until they can throw off their neck the yoke of the Arab/Fulani? The only hope and lasting solution to Igbo/Biafra's, the other prisoners of one-Nigeria's and the rest places' problem is to invent their own July 9 as soon as now. The Southern peoples of Nigeria and Ivory Coast must separate themselves from the Northern Hausa/Fulani in the same way that Southern Sudan has just done from their own North. This route is not an option, it is the only route. The experience of centuries has proved that the Arabs (Fulani) and their Islam can never tolerate any other people who are different from them. A day will never come when this prevailing situation of violence and murder of those who are different from them will cease. And no one's life should be so dispensable that they will continue to sacrifice them in experimenting endlessly and aimlessly a one-Nigeria in the hope that someday everything will change and the Fulani/Arab will begin to accept the rest people as equals. July 9, 2011 and the people of Southern Sudan has proved this unalterable truth.
