Tue, 07 Dec 2010 Feature Article

WikiLeaks & Julian Assange, Heroism, Courage, Visionary of Our Time

WikiLeaks & Julian Assange, Heroism, Courage, Visionary of Our Time

WikiLeaks & Julian Assange, Heroism, Courage, Visionary of Our Time

Written by Paul I. Adujie

Julian Assange, journalist, whistle-blower, freedom of information activist, the founder of WikiLeaks have been arrested and detained in Britain. Julian Assange's arrest is apparently the beginning of processes aimed at silencing him and WikiLeaks. WikiLeaks is being muzzled, blackmailed and threatened in various fronts and in multifaceted multiple pronged desperation by western nations.

Julian Assange have been declared persona non grata by various western nations, western nations which have been feeling thoroughly embarrassed and humiliated by their own frauds and shenanigans, all which have been opened up for the entire world to see, through the diligent journalist work expose' work of Julian Assange and his collaborators through WikiLeaks

Since Julian Assange embarked on his monumental global crusade to expose the lies, the hypocrisies, the mass murders through subversion, every efforts to silence him were unhinged and unleashed by western governments, infuriated by the scintillating embarrassments created by the unmitigated and unadulterated evils contained in their documents in dispatched unfurled by WikiLeaks.

Western nations have for so long created havoc and extreme hardships through direct invasions and occupations and other manipulations, which in turn cause death, dislocations and displacements, the suffering and the poverty and desperation which are inflicted on millions of persons across the world.

These incalculable evils by western nations are the methods, historically, through which western nations have allocated economic, political and resource control powers worldwide. These cult-like secrecy by western nations, as betrayed by the excellent and spectacular journalistic expose by Julian Assange and WikiLeaks, are the methods and ways through which western nations undermine and subvert peoples and nations globally, particularly, undermine and subvert peoples and nations outside the western hemisphere.

The world now knows that western nations are hypocrites, constantly spewing platitudes about their much advertised beliefs in accountability, transparency, freedom of the press, the rule of law, democracy etc.

Western nations are now arguing loudly and most vociferously, that secrecy and the suppression of information promotes and advances the cause and course of democracy in the world. Western nations and their cohorts are now arguing in the most strident manners it is legitimate for them to demand the severest of punishments and retributions, including assassination of Julian Assange as have been demand by a prominent Canadian politician, and many others in America, Britain, and elsewhere in Western Europe.

The world now knows that western nations are splendidly uninterested in their pretentious ideals and tenets laden with high morals. Think about this, it is now being insisted upon, that, secrecy, frauds and deceits are legitimate tools of American and western diplomacy and governance? But how about the familiar sanctimonious accountability, transparency and press freedom etc?

It will be recalled that frauds, lies, disinformation and sexed-up misinformation and sundry shenanigans, avalanche of deceit, were the precursors which to the invasion and occupation of Iraq. As precedents to the invasion and occupation of Iraq, America, Britain and their other allies in western nations, engaged in deliberate falsehoods and obfuscations, and of course, western journalists treated western political leaders with kid-gloves, and the rest, as they say is now history.

Western journalists neglected to investigate the frauds and deceits which led to the invasion and occupation of Iraq. Ambassador Joseph Wilson and Valerie Plame his wife, who sought to expose the truth at the time, as Julian Assange and WikiLeaks are doing now, were silenced, humiliated with career-enders. It should be clear to everyone on earth by now, that America and her western allies cannot handle the truth, any truth, whether by Mr. & Mrs. Wilson or by Julian Assange and WikiLeaks!

As a matter of memory upgrade, American and other journalists from western nations were “embedded” or co-opted into the planning and staging of the invasion and occupation of Iraq and all the lies and absurdities which followed since. “Embedded” was simply a word with which intentionally sloppy journalism was practiced by American journalists and other journalists from western nations or American allies, covering the war, and giving a pass or salutary and caricature reporting to the death and destruction as they unfolded in Baghdad, Basra, Keikuk and most parts of Iraq since March 2003.

More than 600,000 Iraqi are dead, millions are maimed, displaced, and dislocated; some Iraqis are now refugees or have been compelled to emigrate. 5,000 American troops have been killed and American taxpayers have had over a trillion dollars squandered in their name. America government and their western allies have squandered money which is enough to end global poverty as preached by a great American economist Professor Jeffry Sachs of Columbia University and of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals or UN, MDG

Julian Assange and WikiLeaks are merely doing what western journalists ought to have been doing. Julian Assange is merely practicing what western nations, governments, institutions and peoples have been preaching forever, which is, accountability, transparency, freedom of the press and best business practices.

The double standards and hypocrisies of western nations have been exposed by Julian Assange and WikiLeaks, hence the desperate attempts to silence WikiLeaks and its founder. Julian Assange's bank accounts have now been frozen in bids to intimidate, harass, and blackmail him into obeisance.

The question has to be asked, whether Julian Assange would have been facing the same vitriol from western nations, if the information he exposed belonged to, say Cuba, China, Russia, Iran etc? It will be recalled that America and other western nations rallied behind Google as China sought to enforce her laws, and arrangements which China had with Google. America and western nations bashed China and subjected China to the most scathing of criticisms based on Press Freedoms or what the Americans know as the First Amendment principles.

And now, ironically, America and its western allies, are subjecting Julian Assange and WikiLeaks to threats and pain of death, just because Julian Assange and WikiLeaks naively believed the farce and preachment by western nations regarding Freedom of the Press. I feel so sorry for Julian Assange, because many, including myself, drank the Kool Aid, hook, line and sinker, regarding these fine ideals and tenets regarding how democracy is not advanced by secrecy and why accountability, transparency and press freedoms are essential ingredients-elements in true democracies!

The case of Julian Assange and WikiLeaks is an extraordinary eye-opener and mammoth revelations of the hypocrisy and double standards, in which western nations are permanently engaged. Reactions by western nations to Julian Assange and WikiLeaks expose have uniformly condemned the expose and journalistic truth-telling.

There are clearly lessons here for all-the world to learn. It must be realized that secrecy, conspiracies and injustices are correlated exposing conspiracies is the best way to fight against injustices and oppression, government actions in my name should be in full disclosure. But America and her western allies now argue otherwise, this is the equivalents of changing the rules of the game or moving the goalpost! Or simply put, rules about truth and press freedom are okay, so long as America and her allies are not embarrassed, shamed or humiliated by the truth or journalistic excellence?

We used to think that the truth is sacrosanct fact. Truth should not suffer diminution with time or space. Truth is like clean water colorless, odorless and unchanged or same worldwide

But now we find that for Julian Assange and his WikiLeaks collaborators, the truth does not set you free. The truth leads to a revived and reawaken trumped up charges, frozen account and threat of imprisonment, pains and death through assassination by some in Canada and elsewhere!

So much for excellence in journalism, so much for published and be damned, no matter whose ox is gored? So much for the truth will set you free?

It is now the case, that the new mantra is, never let your truths or facts embarrass, humiliate and infuriate America and her western allies, or, there will be hell to pay!

Julian Assange must take solace and be consoled in what Camus once said, Camus said, it is absurd to fight lost cause, but more absurd to neglect to fight worthy causes, even if Julian Assange is in the end jailed or assassinated!

Meanwhile, the rest of us, can now be rest assured that western nations' mythologies about accountability, transparency, press freedom, the inviolability of fact, or that truths are incontrovertible, are farcical distractions intended merely to derail global competitors, the gullible and undiscerning worldwide.

Think about this, it is now being insisted upon, that, secrecy, frauds and deceits are legitimate tools of American and western diplomacy and governance? But how about the familiar sanctimonious accountability, transparency and press freedom etc?

Embedded Journalism, Objectivity And National Interests;_ylt=A0oG7lHcbf5M8k0AdkVXNyoA;_ylc=X1MDMjc2NjY3OQRfcgMyBGFvAzAEZnIDdzNpBGhvc3RwdmlkA0ZZY3I1RW9HN3Y2Q2Y4OEJTYjJkN2djMVJYczd6VXouYmR3QUNjZjMEbl9ncHMDMARuX3ZwcwMwBG9yaWdpbgNzcnAEcXVlcnkDRW1iZWRkZWQgSm91cm5hbGlzbSwgT2JqZWN0aXZpdHkgQW5kIE5hdGlvbmFsIEludGVyZXN0czogTmlnZXJpYW4gSm91cm5hbGlzdHMgQ29tcGFyZWQgQWR1amllBHNhbwMxBHZ0ZXN0aWQDTVNZMDEw?p=Embedded+Journalism%2C+Objectivity+And+National+Interests%3A+Nigerian+Journalists+Compared+Adujie&fr2=sb-top&fr=w3i&type=W3i_TB%2C0%2C0%2CLegacy%2C0%2C0%2C0%2C0%2C0

Paul I. Adujie
Paul I. Adujie, © 2010

Paul Adujie is a lawyer, writer, radio host, public commentator, public policy analyst etc based in New York City in the United States. More Paul Adujie is a lawyer, writer, radio host, public commentator, public policy analyst etc based in New York City in the United States

Often, you would hear him talk about public interests with so much enthusiasm, optimism and an affecting positive attitude.

He believes that Nigeria, Africa and peoples of African descent are destined for development, advancement and greatness. He discusses these with fervor, vigor and a vibrant sense of patriotism.

He is an unflinching believer in one indivisible, strong and united Nigeria... where all citizens are equal regardless of state of origins, region of origins and or, religious affiliation.

He talks about Nigeria in such very strong terms, you would be right, if concluded that Nigeria is what he worships as his religion.

He has always said that he would like to be remembered as a super-patriot, a consummate public intellectual with unparalleled interest in Nigeria's national interests and Nigeria's worthy causes.... the common good of all Nigerians

Paul I. Adujie is a Nigerian lawyer, public commentator and writer. He has appeared on radio and television shows; Including American radio and television networks.

He has regularly appear on BBC. His articles and commentaries have been featured in major newspapers and magazines, as well as in sundry features in various websites in syndication.
Column: Paul I. Adujie

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