A group calling itself Foot Soldiers of the ruling National Democratic Congress has started a campaign to put forward former First Lady Nana Konadu Agyeman Rawlings as presidential candidate for the party, which according to them, to ensure their plan materializes, the group has started posting campaign materials of Nana Konadu Agyeman Rawlings around the metropolis.
There is a bold picture of the former first lady occupying almost half of the poster, with the caption NANA KONADU, HOPE FOR GHANA 2012.
The said group championing the campaign has refused to disclose their names and that of their regional representatives though their telephone numbers are available on the posters.
Spokesperson for Mr. Mrs. Rawlings, Kofi Adams, when interviewed, expressed their innocence of the posters but said the development should inure positively to the party. Kofi Adams further explained that the group's concerns over the need for the NDC's leadership are in the right direction and commendable but said the party would stick to its principles, regulations and timetables.
Now my worry is, if the party must or would go by its principles, regulations and timetable as Kofi Adams claims that mean the NDC Party must somewhere have a constitution guiding the Party.
What is therefore principled in the NDC constitution?
Are the EXECUTIVE MEMBERS of the NDC Party, for instance KONADU above the Party's constitution?
IF NOT! What is the Executive board of the Party saying or doing about KONADU 'S instigated pre-mature plan to contest unopposed for the Party's pending flag bearer ship voting?
Where are the Executive members of the Party?
Is the BNI not interested in such a case which can eventually do more harm than good?
Can any unauthorized Party member or person decorate the streets with propaganda materials?
I think under normal circumstances the Police have also a role to play in such an unconstitutional campaign which can cause stress among Parties and citizens.
I am not a politician but I am cock sure KONADU's posters must be trashed from the cities to avoid misunderstanding and contradictions.
I wonder why the NDC Party executive members have up till now not consulted some paragraphs and articles of their constitution.
FRANCIS TAWIAH (Duisburg –Germany)